June Catch Up

I had a couple more attempts at the spliced with Steve this month – one with Pete and Muffie and one with Margaret and Peter B both unsuccessful but at least I rang quite well which was good for my confidence as I was beginning to feel I was not up to it. Finally on 25th I scored a nice peal of it with David M, Chris and Mark – although there were some hairy moments I felt I knew what I was doing throughout and was even able to stay on the lines when others tripped, so at last I feel I can actually claim to be able to do it! At the beginning of the month I went back down to Devon for a couple of weeks - enjoying mixed weather. We had some good days but others were torrid with 24 hours of rain and 60 mph winds on one of the days. Still it saves watering the garden. The gardeners have planted some plants at the back which look lovely but need watering each day if dry. Also Jayne had done me some pots for the patio which also need watering. It all l...