March - Easter 2016

At the beginning of the month it was Carolyn's birthday and we all met up for dinner at a pub/restaurant in Kennington. We were booked in for 5 pm as we had been told that we would have to leave by 7 as we had children with us, but actually they let us stay as long as we wanted. We all met at Carolyn's flat first and then travelled together. Mike couldn't make it as he was out ringing all day and couldn't get back for the early eating time. We had a great evening and I had a really lovely steak. Carolyn and I did a lot of laughing! I had found the instructions for building the shed - which Carolyn had annotated as we had built it - and we howled with laughter all over again when we read it out. A lovely steak! Family group - trust the birthday girl to be hiding! A surprise cake! Mike and I went to lunch at the Leander Club on 20th March to celebrate Ian Schofield's 60th birthday - interestingly it was exactly the same attendees who had ...