May - Intrepid etc

Maryanne was hors du combat at the beginning of the month having done her knee in so she was unable to do any walking - just as my ankle was beginning to get better. So we decided to meet in Denham for lunch so that Mike could cycle out to Denham and meet us at the pub (still in training for his cycle ride to Paris). I took Suki for a walk along the canal first - up one side and back the other. We had a lovely lunch - it was a scorching hot day and we sat in the garden where Mike's bike drew a lot of attention. St Mary Barnes were having a new web site set up in WordPress and I went along to an afternoon's training session by the hosting company. However I since managed to get rid of all the Barnes web site stuff on to Trisha - who is absolutely addicted to it and happy to do it all. The hosting company is a lady who buys a large amount of server space from "Heart" and then sells it on as hosting. As well as paying her to set up the site Barnes will pay a...