New Car, Cantanti Lunch, Kettering Lunch!

I spent some time over the next two days restoring the data to my phone from the automatic backups and I must admit I was quite impressed. I hardly lost anything. I had to log in to all the banking and shopping apps again which took some time but there were no problems. The only thing I lost was the current levels and stats of the games I play. It didn't matter for any of them except Word Brain - I had played about 400 games and I will need to start again at the beginning and go through every level again. I am not sure I can face it! On Friday I went off to Ford at Alperton by public transport to have a look at a car they had got for me. I wanted one exactly like my old one but with the addition of parking sensors. I was shown to the car and left to sit in it - and I promptly burst into tears because it looked just like mine from the inside! I couldn't do much more than check all the buttons I was expecting were present and that the radio was ...