Return to Devon

I went back to Devon on Friday (5th Jan) so that I could go to Tim's handbell day the next day. I arrived at 3 pm and had a quick chat with Malc before taking Suki out for a walk. Peter had prepared bolognaise for supper and we had it with jacket potato. The handbell day was good fun although I didn't like leaving Suki for so long - I ended up being longer than intended because someone was ill and I had to cover for them. I rang 3 QPs - Cambridge Royal , Yorkshire Major and Little Bob Royal - and over the day 7 QPs were rung which had been the target. The Cambridge Royal was a real struggle and we had so many restarts that we ran out of time for the scheduled Yorkshire Royal, but then fitted in the Yorkshire Major to keep the total for the day on schedule. It was Suki's official birthday on Monday 8th Jan - I discovered birthday cake for dogs in the local pet shop (made primarily of lard I think) so of course I had to get it for her. She didn't ...