Barnes Summer Trip

18 to 22 July 2018 - Thornham Magna Suffolk Write up and Photos Lee and Emma stayed in the house for the week, with Elora, Lacey and dogs Neville and Beau. They took Suki out and about visiting the sights of London as well as Richmond Park and Hyde Park. Meanwhile Mike and I went off on the Barnes Ringers Summer Trip. Monica decided to take her own car, so we ended up giving Rod a lift which entailed going via Watford to pick him up. We arrived at the first tower in good time and I went up to join in the general ringing with good intentions of doing this at all the general ringing. However the first time I rang there was an incident and I was left with the usual unsatisfactory feeling that I get on these outings, and decided it would be much better for my sanity and general well being if I didn't ring at all. So I had a wonderful time sitting in churchyards cross stitching for the rest of the trip, and thoroughly enjoyed myself! I particu...