My January Week in Devon

I drove down to Bovey on Sunday 13th - leaving after church and bellringing, and arriving about 3 pm. It was great to be there again and I relished the thought of a few days on my own doing my own thing. The house was absolutely boiling inside, with the radiators all pumping out heat, even though the thermostat was set at 10 degrees - which was the equivalent of the outside temperature that day. I couldn't make it click at any setting - although once I had turned the heating off for a while and then turned it on again in the evening it seemed to work ok for the rest of the week (typical). The first thing I did was to install the new bedside cabinets I had bought - they looked great. I even lined the drawers - and it was a good opportunity to sort the drawers out too. Then I put the new bedding on which Jayne had given me for my birthday in 2017! It was pretty and lovely and soft to the touch Suki loved the new bedding so much she wouldn't get up the ...