End April - Ups and Downs

Mike continued to feel under the weather for the next couple of days, but still went ringing at Cumberlands with Louise. He sat in the corner shivering and Geraldine sent him to hospital because his fingers were turning purple and he was showing signs of sepsis. She said he needed antibiotics immediately. He was in A&E all night and they admitted him at 3 am. He spent 2 days in St Thomas hospital. Fame at last - Mike spoke with John Harrold in Herefordshire to arrange a tower for the Barnes summer trip, and when he gave his name John said "any relation to Jill Wigney who rings handbells!". That's a first! Coffee with Muffie - went to Osterley again. This time we walked round the formal gardens which were much larger than I had expected. Muffie gave me some plants for my garden which should grow like weeds! Handbells - failed peal attempts of Superlative and Yorkshire with Steve. Middx AGM - cold windy day. Neighbo...