
Showing posts from June, 2019

June - 12 Bell Finals - 34 degrees

Went over to see Gill and Martin at the beginning of the month.  The traffic was heavy and it took us nearly two hours to get there.  We had a lovely lunch of homemade pizza sitting out on the terrace.  Then we wandered in to Petersfield and had a coffee before heading off home again. I rivalled Dial-a-Ride this month - transporting Monica, with her replacement knee and Mike, with his broken leg, to church and ringing! Enjoyed a couple of Summer Sings with Goldsmiths Choral Union - Sea Symphony by Vaughan Williams, and Bach B Minor Mass. We realised afterwards that Mike had not sung in the concert when we did the Sea Symphony.  I enjoyed both evenings, especially the B Minor Mass, because I knew the music well. Met Muffie for coffee in Richmond, and had an excellent supper at Cotes with Pru and Caroline.  Monica and I went to the Cantanti Concert and enjoyed it.  The new conductor engaged more with the audience - and patrons got a free glass of wine! ...