Devon with Amanda and the kids

I took Amanda and the kids to Devon for a few days. Suki had to sit in the back between the two child seats! She was quite good and soon settled down to sleep. We stopped off at Leigh Delamere services for a break (about half way) both there and back. The weather was appalling - Storm Brendan lashed the county for most of the 4 days were were there. Luckily we arrived at the house before it hit hard - I was really glad not to have been driving in it. The kids were soon playing with the sticker books Jayne had got for them, and with the monopoly set which didn't have a board but it didn't seem to matter as the draughts and snakes and ladders board seemed to do the job for Harry! We went for a very wet and muddy walk in Parke on the first day. The next day was the one bright sunny day so we crammed everything in to it. We went for a walk on the moor and then went to House of Marbles for a cream tea - a first for the kids. Ama...