Snow - first week of Feb

Mike went off on the Barnes outing on 31 Jan - Christine had organised it and all the towers were ground floor.  Tony and Jem also went so there were 3 wheelchair ringers, and they rang a touch of plain bob doubles together which is a "first".  See the ringers Blog for a full report.

Meanwhile Lorraine went off for a 7-hour £500 session with a tattooist and came back sporting a very impressive and beautiful drawing on her leg.  She was in a lot of pain for several days (and nights) but presumably it was worth it.

Suki rolling in the snow
We both did choral evensong the next day - Roy was there so I was very happy and enjoyed it.  Monday was freezing cold.  I took Suki to the vet for a check up and he was very pleased with her and said she was now using her back leg muscles more, and did not react so violently to having her hips manipulated, so she was obviously in less pain.  In the afternoon I went over to Clapham for another go at the Carlisle 11.  We had two attempts, both of which were much more confident and the second one even got past the rounds in the middle, but we failed to score as it all fell apart eventually.
We got up at 6 on Tuesday because Mike was going to work, and found it was snowing heavily although it stopped half an hour later.  There was quite a thick layer on the paths and cars.  Suki and I hitched a lift to Sutton Court Road and went for a walk in Chiswick House.  It was looking really photogenic with all the snow on the trees, and the light was amazing at that time of the morning (about 7.30 am).  I took a couple of photos and they were almost black and white!  Suki had a great time rolling in the snow.
I had a nice quiet week with two evenings in and no plans.  Plenty of time for practicing handbells and B Minor - so I was a bit disappointed with the way I rang in the peal at Steve's on Friday (6th).  We got the peal of CYNR (my first of spliced on an inside pair) but I was horribly lost for much of the third part - and decidedly dodgy thereafter, having lost a lot of confidence.  I was pleased when Steve arranged another go on 12th March with Pete and Muffie - a chance to redeem myself.  The Barnes practice in the evening was at Mortlake because of The Ball.  I went over after the QP and rang Bristol and Glasgow so was useful.  In fact Mike thanked me for going as it had meant they could ring those things.

On the Saturday morning Mike went off at 8.30 to ring QPs - and I set off for Devon for the week.
The tops of the trees from the top path

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