September bits and pieces

We came back on Sunday – I was intending to leave in the middle of the day but when I got up in the morning I found the carpet in the bathroom cupboard soaking wet – plus all the toilet rolls stacked in there were sodden having soaked up lots of water – and discovered the stop cock was leaking.  We had had the plumber twice that week already – to change the ball cock in the back loo and to service the boiler.  Anyway we went off to the 8 am service, and to ring, and then when we got back Mike had a go at fixing it – luckily I had seen where the plumber had turned the water off at the road so I was able to do that.  The shed holds a wonderland of screws and other bits and pieces so I found the jar of washers and eventually it seemed to do the trick except for a minor drip from the tap itself.  The plumber came out anyway and tightened things up and all seems well now.  He only charged £32 for coming out on a Sunday! All that messing about with the plumbing meant that we only got out with Suki at about 1 pm and we set off for London at 3.30 pm.  I had hoped that with some schools going back this week the traffic would not be too bad even though it was a bank holiday week, but there were lots of accidents and it took nearly 5 hours.

Suki had yet another vet appointment - this time started her on Piriton twice a day for her allergies. Also agreed with me that skin not right between her legs, so have a gel to rub on once a day.  She didn't like the Loxicon liquid for the arthritis - so I have to squirt it into her mouth!  Vet persuaded me to make a claim on insurance - and I got a cheque for just over £1500 which was a help.  Vet looked after Suki while I went in for dentist and hygienist appointment next door which was useful.

Had a rush of blood to the head and decided to go swimming on Tuesday evenings.  I walked to the new Acton Pool when Mike went off to choir and found I could get Senior Citizen leisure pass which gave me about 50% discount on everything.  Went swimming on Tuesday and Thursday and swam 50 lengths each time.  Swam in the medium lane, but there was a man going up and down making a horrendous splash and waves with his crawl style.  I was determined he wasn't going to make me leave the lane - but eventually I had enough of the waterboarding and moved to the non-lane part.  He also caused water to go deep in to my ear and I couldn't get it out - I was worried it would cause me pain later but it seemed to be ok, I was just aware of it still there.

I booked in to the Forever Fit class on Friday lunch time - and was very relieved to find everyone else was around my age and had the same lumpy wobbly bits!  I didn't have any trainers (probably for the first time in my life!) and had to do it in canvas slip ons - which was commented on by the trainer!  I enjoyed the class and decided to go to them when I can as well as swimming.  On Saturday morning I looked up a couple of Zumba videos on YouTube and did about 30 mins of dancing along - although a lot of the time I was just trying to learn the steps and not actually moving!  Despite all this exercise I did not lose a single pound of weight that week - presumably just converted it all to muscle!

Caroline's brother died - rather unexpectedly although he did have colon cancer.  He died on the operating table after complications set in.

Had smart meters fitted - and then they came to read the meters the next day!  It made me late going over to see Keith, and I forgot the sausages I had bought him at the food festival, so I went over again on the Thursday with Suki and the sausages.

Attempted a QP at Mortlake for the Queen (longest reigning monarch in British History) called by  Francis but it failed - several short unsuccessful goes, and then one that went almost 3/4 of the way when it just came round two bells having swopped after a bob/no bob call.

Went over to Barnes on Saturday morning with Mike and walked back with Suki.  In the late afternoon, after Mike had rung for a wedding at Chiswick, we went to Denham for a walk with Suki and did the circular walk round by the canal.  It was a beautiful evening.

Church sitting on Sunday 13th - did lots of crochet.  Came home and we went out to try the Azerbaijan restaurant on Chiswick High Road.  Turned out to be a lot like Iranian - but they served Efes beer ! - and it was cheap too.  We took away two more meals from the leftovers of our main courses.

Monday 14th - went off to Hammersmith to get some trainers and a proper swimming costume.  Primark was a dead loss - there didn't seem to be any swimwear.  I got a cheap pair of "workout" shoes which I thought would do for the class.  Took the tube to Shepherds Bush and went to Westfield where I got a nice pair of trainers and a good swimming costume at Sports Direct in the sale so not too expensive.  Tried out the Aqua Aerobics but didn't think it was for me - too much dependent on pushing against the friction of the water with my arms and wrists.  Also didn't seem possible to do exercises in time to the music which was unsatisfying.  So have decided to do the Fitness Class twice a week when I can and go swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I can.  Planning to try the Zumba out - and have experimented with YouTube videos but it took all my concentration just to follow the steps!

Wed 16th - met at James' flat to attempt peal of Plain Bob Major with new ringer Arthur, but it soon became clear that he would not be up to it and after a lot of struggling we scored a QP.

Mon  21st - finally scored QP of spliced surprise minor at Clapham with Tony inside.

Tues 22nd - went walking with Maryanne.  We did a recce of the Wiggington walk which she is leading for the Ramblers in the near future.  Poured with rain but we enjoyed it immensely. It was very odd walking without Suki - who was in Devon with Lee and Emma!  The Greyhound were unable to accommodate us for lunch so we drove some distance to the Black Dog and had a nice lunch there although they seemed a bit disorganised and it appeared they had only just taken over.  Got home, made Mike a cup of tea and set off for Devon with all the wet stuff still in the boot!

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