An extra week in Devon

I managed to sneak an extra week in Devon, unplanned, at the end of September and it was great to have that extra time with Jayne.   Lee and Emma stayed on until the Tuesday - which was the day I was travelling down - so we decided that the best thing was for them to take Suki to Bovey and leave her with Jayne on their way home.  I went walking with Maryanne on Tuesday morning and then drove down to Bovey in the afternoon.  It was weird walking without Suki and also driving down without her in the car.  Lee and Emma's car broke down and they spent all afternoon in the garage after dropping Suki off.  I got a plaintive call from them as I was driving to say that the garage were charging more than they were expecting so I helped out with my credit card details!  They later did the garden for me in return - so mutually beneficial.

We ticked lots of things off the to do list prior to Jayne's return to India.  We also did lots of walking - including the River Teign walk from the Toby Walk Book 1.  The weather was nice for most of the week.  We did lots of shopping for various bits and pieces - went to Trago Mills and Newton Abbot.  We also met up with Jackie for a meal at The Carpenters' Arms in Ilsington which was excellent.  Huge portions. Attempted a handbell peal of 6xspliced with Tim but it didn't go and we ended up ringing a QP.  There was no handbell ringing at Moreton - shock horror!  It was carnival day and there was a three-line-whip for Jean to attend as lots of her family were involved.  I went back to London on 30th and got back in time to walk Suki and then go out for supper with Caroline and Pru.  We went to Cotes for a change and I had my usual Steak Frites which seemed nicer than Cafe Rouge.

The next day Suki clearly struggled to settle back into life in London!!

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