August Trip to Devon

Mike visits Devon to see his mum at Christmas, Easter and one other week in the year as a general rule. The week beginning 20th August was to be his "extra" week this year and we duly set off on the Saturday morning at roughly the time we had aimed for - ie 10.30. The M5 was very busy again, but not quite as bad as the last time I had come down, and it took 4 hours in total. Jayne was out when we got there - so we had a cup of tea and then I took Suki out to the plantation for a walk. It was wet and miserable so Mike decided not to come - and got stuck in to a jigsaw instead! Jayne was in when I got back and we had a lovely evening drinking wine and chatting and having a nice supper whilst watching an episode of Endeavour she had recorded. Suki and me up on the Moor It was lovely to see Jayne again and to go walking together and for coffees. We went up on the moor several times when the weather was good, and of course to my favourite Yarner Woo...