August Trip to Devon

Mike visits Devon to see his mum at Christmas, Easter and one other week in the year as a general rule.  The week beginning 20th August was to be his "extra" week this year and we duly set off on the Saturday morning at roughly the time we had aimed for - ie 10.30.  The M5 was very busy again, but not quite as bad as the last time I had come down, and it took 4 hours in total.  Jayne was out when we got there - so we had a cup of tea and then I took Suki out to the plantation for a walk.  It was wet and miserable so Mike decided not to come - and got stuck in to a jigsaw instead!  Jayne was in when I got back and we had a lovely evening drinking wine and chatting and having a nice supper whilst watching an episode of Endeavour she had recorded.

Suki and me
up on the Moor
It was lovely to see Jayne again and to go walking together and for coffees.  We went up on the moor several times when the weather was good, and of course to my favourite Yarner Wood.  I logged a couple of routes in Yarner Wood with my app, and also a couple of circuits in the Plantation - just to see how long they were and how long they took me.  I logged one route on Hay Tor - the short circuit out towards Black Hill from the little car park and then back along the ridge, but my other attempts to log routes up there failed because I forgot to stop the recording before getting into the car and driving back to the house! The weather was mixed - some days were very hot with strong sunshine and blue cloudless skies, other days it rained all day, and the rest were a mixture.   Mike came with us when we went for a walk in Stover - and Mike and I had a nice walk on the Saturday morning in Parke.  We were lucky enough to get a parking space in the layby and we walked to the other end of the railway track and back again.  The moor is covered in yellow gorse and purple heather at the moment and looks amazing.
The gorse and heather
Hay Tor looking wonderful
Suki and me with Hay Tor in the background
We harvested the potatoes!  I had planted 5 seed potatoes earlier in the year and we got enough for about 3 meals - they were delicious.

One day Jayne and I went to Ashburton for a couple of hours mooching around the shops and having a light lunch.  We were lucky to miss the rain - once when we were in a shop and then later when it poured down just after we had got in the car to drive back. I got a few bits and pieces, and we got some fruit to try out the new NutriPro machine I had purchased for making healthy drinks.

Another day we did a charity shop run - with a huge amount of stuff that Jayne had sorted from her storage plus all the stuff I had been accumulating for the church fair which never happened - and we were extremely lucky to be able to park right outside the Rowcroft Hospice charity shop in the high street.  It is very unusual to be able to get a legitimate parking space in the High Street, never mind one so perfect.

Mike did several jigsaws, in between bouts of working, and also several jobs we had lined up for him!  He assembled the garden bench I had bought a couple of years ago - and I bought a couple of side tables to go with it which added the finishing touch - we were able to sit out and enjoy the sunshine on several occasions thereafter.  It looks really nice on the patio and I decided not to put it at the front as I didn't think I would use it much there.  He also changed the hose connection on the garden tap (we couldn't budge it!), fixed Jayne's necklace which had come apart and pumped up the tyres on Jayne's bike and fixed the light brackets.
These are two of the Ringing World ones - beautifully made from wood
They are only 250 pieces each but are surprisingly difficult
Each one comes with several interesting "whimsies"

I rang a peal attempt of Cambridge Royal on the tenors which failed after about 2 hours.  The attempt was at the house - Mike went off ringing at Buckland and Jayne retired to her bedroom with Suki and watched the iPlayer.  I was pleased with the attempt at getting so much practice on the coursing pair - which will stand me in good stead when we start our attempts again at Steve's.  Mike and I also rang minor with Tim on Friday evening - we spent two and a half hours trying to ring a peal of 41 Surprise Minor and eventually scoring a QP of the Carlisle 11 and Cambrige 12.  Tim came round again the next day and we spent all afternoon trying again but still failing, we rang all the parts at some point - just not all in one go!

Mary came back to the house for coffee on several occasions, which is easier than us going up to Tracey House to visit her.  On the Saturday I invited her friend Margaret to join us, and it was nice for them both to meet up again.  Jayne had gone to Chard for the weekend to accompany her friend Jude to a family wedding so Mike and I had the place to ourselves for a couple of days.  Rowena turned up out of the blue and took Suki for a walk - so we didn't even have that to worry about.  It was nice to see her again - she has grown very tall and was telling us about her GCSE choices (doesn't seem possible that she is old enough!).  She took Suki out a couple of times, which gave me a nice break and Suki a nice change.

On Thursday evening we booked a table at the Dolphin for us three plus Jackie (a friend I met recently through Jayne) and Barry and Ruth (we have known for years through ringing).  In the event Barry and Ruth couldn't make it which was a shame, but we had a lovely evening and I appreciated the chance to drink wine as usually I am doing the driving when we go out with Jackie, but the Dolphin is walkable distance from the house.

On Friday afternoon we went for tea with Ann and Douglas (Jayne was at work ).  It was a lovely hot day and we sat in the sunken garden under a large umbrella and devoured cheese scones hot from the oven (2 each!), buttered tea bread and chocolate cake (2 slices each!).  We took the rest of the chocolate cake home!  Cheeky!

After ringing all afternoon on Saturday I was just about to take Suki out when I noticed a text from Rowena offering to walk her.  I jumped at the offer and Rowena came round and took Suki out for an hour  Afterwards she came in for a drink and a chat before going home.  Mike and I had a quiet evening in without even the TV on - I did some more cross stitch.  Rowena came and took Suki out again on Sunday - this time for about two hours.  Suki was quite tired when she came back.  Ro stayed for a couple of hours chatting - especially with Jayne about interior design!

It was a beautiful day on the bank holiday Monday - hot, sunny and blue skies.  Left as Jayne went to work just before 9 am. We drove to Mamhead car park on Old Haldon Hill (discovering the brake had been on as we hurtled along the A38 - blamed the dog!) and did the Haldon Obelisk trail.  2.5 miles- some of which quite challenging in a wheelchair - mud, hills,rough track in places.  Gpx route I had downloaded differed from pdf Mike had memorised which caused some domestic tension at the start until we realised. The obelisk itself was somewhat underwhelming - roped off, hidden in trees and leaning slightly downhill! - but the walk was good (except for the bit on the road) and the views over the estuary were stunning.
Click for PDF    GPS Trail (as amended by me)

Got back about 12 and had hot cross buns for lunch.  Mike changed out of his muddy clothes and I had time for a bit of cross stitch.

Went to Scoriton show in the afternoon - forgot to take my phone so couldn't take any photos.  Nightmare driving round tiny roads with all the grockels out on a bank holiday.  Parked in Scoriton and then followed others for half mile to the field.  Amazing number of people and cars . Lots of traditional stuff including produce show, stalls and games, races and Kenton soundalike doing the commentary - everything seemed straight out of the Archers.  Saw Douglas playing with his orchestral group  (very mixed ability) and sat with Ann for a while.  Went back over the Moor through Widdecombe and called in to see Mary for half an hour and say goodbye.  Kit and Linda at the house when we got back.  Chatted with them for an hour.  Dashed off to Dolphin for meal with Lisa, Adrian, Rowena, Bob, Michelle, Alex, Barry and Ruth.  Nice evening and excellent food. 

Tuesday was going home day :(  .  Mike decided to have the "new kitchen" discussion at 8 am! (Having had all week). Finally got out with Suki at 9.15. Back and car packed ready to go at 10.30! Reasonable drive.  Mike took conference call.  We listened to The Archers and Just a Minute.  Called in at Chiswick roundabout garage for credit card.  Half an hour of stress and being kept waiting.  No joy.  Mike and Suki were sweltering in the car by this time so left and went home.  Caught up with admin in the afternoon, then walked Suki and then went to Tesco.  Had nice humus salad supper.  Cancelled the credit card - it was obvious I was going to have hassle somewhere so I decided just to cancel the card so that at least the hassle was manageable and reasonably stress free.  Discovered I hadn't even used that card at the garage when I checked my statements on-line!  Watered tubs which were looking dried up and dead.  Very hot sticky night  - noticeably different from Bovey.

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