End September-Jayne arrives in London

Mon 26th - decided to clear the admin pile today and then shred it all ready for the recycling collection tomorrow. It took most of the day but I shifted the lot which was very satisfying. Went early to Chiswick in the evening with Mike to ring handbells with Peter and Monica, with Sofie turning up at 7 for a half hour slot. Simon has also expressed an interest in joining the handbell group so when Richard returns it will be quite crowded! I suppose we will be able to have two groups on the go. The practice was quite well attended - Ann Playfair was there on her annual visit. My wrists were really painful but I managed to ring when needed. We took the spinach and feta flatbreads from the market to eat. Had a pint of lager in the pub but didn't really enjoy it - I don't know why. I shall have to go back to beer now the weather is getting cooler. Tues 27th - met Gill How for lunch at Bill's in Covent Garden (St Martin's Courtyard). ...