Back in London for a fortnight - 1

We both noticed immediately how much hotter and stickier it was in London than in Bovey, especially at night.  I didn't have time to go to any fitness classes during this fortnight because of appointments, handbells or other clashes.

Wed 31st - Mike went to work by train so that he could go directly to London Bridge and Guy's in the evening for handbells.  He left the usual time but apparently it took two hours to get in.  I did some washing, and practice on Abel  - Lincolnshire for this evening and then Cambridge Royal for Friday.  At 9 went to arranged meeting with potential dog walker, Emily, whose posters I had seen on a lamppost in Valetta Road.  Unfortunately she didn't turn up! I hung around in Wendell Park for a while and then went home  I got a text from her later to say she forgot! We rearranged for Friday. Went over to see Keith.  He had sprained his wrist badly opening a bottle of wine! Not up to going to the village for a haircut today.  I went to Sainsburys for him instead.  Also cut his thumbnail for him.  Got home at 2 to find Peter B had dropped out of Friday's handbell peal attempt of Cambridge Royal so pressure to practice was off.  I did some blogging and other computer stuff and took Suki to Acton park.  Went to Guy's in the evening and attempted Lincolnshire with James, Caroline and Mike.  Two unsuccessful attempts and then we scored a QP . Went to Azurro for a drink- Mike and I shared a goats cheese bruscetta too.

Thurs 1 Sep - how can it possibly be September already.  Time just seems to fly by these days.  I couldn't go to Zumba Gold today because I had an optician's appointment at 10 am.  I got up early to walk Suki and get breakfast done and dusted first. I walked up to the Chiswick High Road to get some additional exercise.  It was a follow-up contact lens appointment following a trial of some new lenses.  Apparently they let in more oxygen, and I now need a reduced strength.  I only want them to wear occasionally but my previous lenses expired in 2014 and I thought I ought to get an up-to-date prescription (and ditch the out of date lenses).  I wasn't 100% happy with the left lens I trialled, which was a toric one to correct a stigmatism, and in the end I settled for an ordinary lens which was much more comfortable. I have the same strength for each eye, so I don't have to worry about which is for left and right.  I then went to the vets to try yet again to arrange for a text reminder about Suki's medication to come on the right day and for the right medication!  She has a tablet to take monthly which must be taken on the same day each month exactly.  I stood over the receptionist while she made the amendments to the computer, so hopefully it is now sorted.  I walked home again to get more exercise.  I spent the whole of the rest of the day on Abel!  Steve had suggested ringing Superlative tomorrow and Hamish had said he couldn't learn an inside pair in the time given, so I rashly volunteered to do so.  It was quite a target but I made a lot of progress in the day.  I stopped at about 5 pm and took Suki for a walk and then spent the rest of the evening doing cross stitch, which was a novel treat these days in London.  Mike went to the Kensington practice with Peter R and had a jolly time - discovering there was a lot of rust on his Bristol Royal these days!  I went to bed nice and early, with a hot drink and a whisky (but having had no other alcoholic drink) so as to give my brain as much rest as possible.

Fri 2 Sep - I was a bit miffed to find myself wide awake at 2 am!  I tried to get back to sleep but after an hour I decided to take some sleep inducing measures and went a made a cup of tea, heated up the wheat cushion for my shoulder and neck and listened to the KJV bible for half an hour on the sleep headphones - which did the trick.  Got up nice and early and arrived at Steve's in good time, having walked Suki and got breakfast out of the way.  We didn't get the Superlative - it was miscalled with 8 courses to go but I had had several major thrashes plus had my bells over for quite a while, so it was probably just as well.  It was very enjoyable though and some of the ringing was quite good when I wasn't thrashing about - so I was much encouraged.  We had a coffee and then rang some Rutland for Hamish to practice 3-4, and then practised the end of the peal.  We had smoked mackerel fillets for lunch - which were delicious (and part of my project to eat a more "mediterranean" diet) but I could smell fish for the rest of the day, especially on my hands despite numerous washings and hand cream.
In the afternoon I walked Suki over to Ravenscourt Park and finally managed to meet up with Emily who seemed very nice, and very fit so clearly able to give Suki a good long walk when needed.  I decided not to go with Mike to Barnes but to do an hour or so admin first - and had a very productive hour sorting out the handbell bands for September at Guy's and the monthly admin for the Numbers Club.  I went over to Barnes later - the practice was very well attended and the ringing included lots of Bastow as well as Bristol, Cambridge and Glasgow - none of which came round!  I went to the pub because Monica was going and shared a Mediterranean platter and a bowl of chips with Mike for supper.

Sat 3 Sep - Amanda and the children came over today and we had a lovely time together.  Mike was supposed to be going to a Come and Sing day with the Chiswick Choir but it was cancelled 24 hours earlier so he too was available all day.  We went to the park and to the playground - Mike stayed outside the fence with Suki (who barked the whole time).  We got pizza for lunch and I got Bethany her first Kinder egg - she had seen them on YouTube!  Bethany was not phased by Suki at all, even when there was lots of barking.
Mike meets H
Bethany's 1st Kinder Egg
Tucking into the Chocolate
At the park
On the swing
Mike and Suki look on!

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