November - more birthdays and dinner with Adrian!

Wed 9th - went over to see Keith, went to Sainsbury for him and then sorted out his computer. In the evening went to Goldsmiths for the first Messiah rehearsal. It was nice to see Trish again - we had communicated beforehand by email this time so we were primed to save each other a seat, but in the end we were both early and met up in the coffee area beforehand. Mike and I had a very quick and trouble-free bus journey which made a nice change. It was great to be singing it again - especially And The Glory. Simon and Ian were there with a friend from Saddleworth days who was an alto, so we took her under our wing for the evening - she was only around for a week's holiday so would not be coming again. We stopped off for a kebab on the way home - I just got doner meat and salad but I couldn't finish it and it laid heavily on my stomach all night. Thurs 10th - went walking with Maryanne. Mike went off to work at 7 am so I had plenty of time thereafter...