November - more birthdays and dinner with Adrian!

Wed 9th - went over to see Keith, went to Sainsbury for him and then sorted out his computer. In the evening went to Goldsmiths for the first Messiah rehearsal.  It was nice to see Trish again - we had communicated beforehand by email this time so we were primed to save each other a seat, but in the end we were both early and met up in the coffee area beforehand.  Mike and I had a very quick and trouble-free bus journey which made a nice change.  It was great to be singing it again - especially And The Glory.  Simon and Ian were there with a friend from Saddleworth days who was an alto, so we took her under our wing for the evening - she was only around for a week's holiday so would not be coming again.  We stopped off for a kebab on the way home - I just got doner meat and salad but I couldn't finish it and it laid heavily on my stomach all night.

Thurs 10th - went walking with Maryanne.  Mike went off to work at 7 am so I had plenty of time thereafter to get ready, clear away the breakfast things and get out of the house by 8.30 am.  Luckily I had given myself plenty of time to get to the start at The Boot on Bledlow Ridge because my route to the A40 was blocked by traffic wherever I tried.  In the end I followed the satnav which took me back to Chiswick to the M4 and then round on the M25 to the M40.  I was in good time, arriving just before Maryanne.  We did a walk which she had devised so we were just following the map.  I had plotted it into my software and also logged it on the App as we went round.  It was a lovely walk with some great views, although with all the recent rain some of the downhill bits were rather slippery - so I took great care!  We then went to The Boot for lunch - expensive but very good.  We had hoped to book it for our New Year walk on Jan 2nd but they don't open on Mondays.  Maryanne gave me a birthday present in the pub - some  zipped plastic sacks for putting stuff in to the rucksack to keep it dry which look really useful.  After lunch we both got in my car and went to a couple of pubs in Radnage to try to find one near the route which would be open on 2nd Jan.  No luck at The Three Horseshoes, but The Crown were accommodating and we made a booking.  However we both felt that it wasn't really special enough and would continue looking.  We both called in to the Golden Cross at Saunderton but although it was going to be open we again both thought it wasn't special enough.  I got home about 3 pm and had a sleep so as to be ready to ring handbells in the evening.  I went over to Steve's at 7 pm and rang a nice peal of Superlative with him, Pete and Muffie (apart for a complete meltdown just before the end which we eventually righted).  I had a glass of wine afterwards and chatted to Mary who said she would be very happy to go to The Crown at Radnage on 2nd Jan!

Fri 11th - determined to sort the back bedroom out next and made a good start today. I put all my card making stuff into one of the boxes on the wardrobe in the front bedroom and chucked out the old boxes plus a huge number of cross stitch knick knacks which had been free gifts with the magazine.  I put them all in a bag to sell as a job lot at the next Church fair.  Then I rearranged all the books, putting some of them on the Billy bookshelf downstairs and chucking out a large carrier bag full for the charity shop.  I put everything else away and sorted out the stationery boxes and cut them down by one, and put all the plastic storage boxes on top of the wardrobe. It was quite exhausting going up and down the ladder and up and down the stairs. Went to ringing with Mike in the evening - intending to cross stitch during the QP but I only got one thread stitched before they QP came to an abrupt halt due to conductor failure (Rod).  I only rang once during the practice too.  Had cheesy chips in the pub afterwards - and polished off Malcolm's chocolate pudding when he couldn't finish it.  So nice and healthy then!

Sat 12th - Mike went off for a QP morning and I finished off the back bedroom. It poured with rain all day - so full waterproofs were needed for both walks with Suki.  After the back room was sorted I continued with the admin - sorting all my walk maps and descriptions into two ring binders and sorting out a huge box of pens and pencils and trying all the pens out so that I only kept the ones that worked.  Those left then fitted neatly into the stationery drawer.  I was very pleased with the result of all my efforts.  I was too whacked to do anything in the evening other than watch TV - final episode of Poldark then final episode of Cold Feet, so somewhat emotional after that.

Sun 13th - Remembrance Sunday. Went to 8 am and Monica and I then went round to Fat Boys intending to have a nice breakfast as we did not need to go over to Barnes to ring because they had changed the time of the service.  Unfortunately Fat Boys was shuttered up and dark even though they were supposed to open at 9 am - so we ended up having a coffee and kit kat out of the machine at the Pool.  It was ok but a bit of a let down as we had been looking forward to our beans on toast.  There were 5 of us at ringing so enough to make a decent sound.  Did the ironing when I got home - and Amanda arrived, with children, just as I was finishing around 11. She brought me a bottle of Limoncello as a thank you for their holiday, plus a bottle of Chateauneuf Du Pape for my birthday and anniversary.  She had also brought us some of the cake she had made for Ollie's birthday party yesterday. We had a coffee and then when Mike got back from the convent we had some lunch - Linda's amazing scotch eggs again.  Then we all went out for a walk in Acton Park - Bethany enjoyed running around and getting dirty while Harrison slept all the way round.  Mike picked up some Lebanese food for later on the way back. Amanda then had to go off to see Lorraine for a while and came back about 6. Bethany was not a bit put off by Suki's barking, and in fact pursued her constantly trying to touch her, hit her, pull her tail or her feet.  Suki stood it for quite a long time but eventually got grumpy and growly.  Once the children were in bed asleep we settled down with our lebanese meal and a glass or two of wine and enjoyed a pleasant evening watching some TV and chatting.

Mon 14th - Ollie's birthday.  Bethany slept until 7.30 which is apparently unheard of, and liked sleeping on the futon cushion on the floor.  After breakfast I took her to the park with Suki - she started off walking with me but then walked off across the field and ignored me when I asked her to come back.  I ran over to get her and as I got to her I fell and slid into her knocking her to the ground, although by then I had my arms around her to cushion her fall.  So I was covered in mud and of course she was crying - not surprisingly considering her great aunt had just done a sliding tackle on her!  She got over it eventually - but she remained difficult to control and in the end I just let her do her own thing which included jumping up and down in the extremely muddy puddle by the pond. We were out for about an hour and a half and she was very tired and a bit of a madam when we got back.  Amanda helped me sort out the front bedroom curtains and rehang them - a great improvement.
However we were not able to watch Bethany with Suki the whole time and Suki ended up snapping at her and catching her finger.  Bethany was crying and Suki was sitting against the front door shaking! I put some lavender oil on the finger and soon all was forgotten again. I made Bethany more pasta for lunch - and she started hitting Suki with a ball so I tapped her on the shoulder to show her what it was like for Suki which made her cry again. We had soup and toasted cranberry bread for lunch.  Afterwards we made a start on putting up the curtain pole in the guest bedroom but there wasn't time to do more than mark the holes before Amanda had to go.  The 72 ins curtains were too short and so we marked up the pole to go across the window below the top of the frame - however after sleeping on it I decided to put the pole up above the window frame as originally intended and buy longer curtains!  Amanda and I both agreed that the heather version of the curtains was the best. Amanda had to get back to bake cupcakes for Ollie's birthday - they were all going bowling and then a meal at Frankie and Bennie's in the evening.  Mike and I had some of the birthday cake with a cup of tea when she had gone - scrumptious.  I gave Suki a quick walk in Wendell Park (she looked whacked out) and then I had a shower and got ready to go out for my dinner date with  Adrian!  He had invited me to the Girdlers Livery Company dinner.  I met him at the PaterNoster pub where we had a soft drink and then we walked to Stationers Hall which was the venue for the dinner.  The main group had gone to evensong at St Pauls and then on a special tour of the crypt and library and they had not arrived when we got there, but there was tea and coffee available and we chatted to one or two of Adrian's friends.  The Hall was splendid, with banners and shields and stained glass windows. There was a list of freemen which was headed by Rt Hon W H Smith!  When everyone had arrived there was a short business meeting and then we went back for champagne and a brief talk on the history of The Company of Stationers before heading in to the main hall for the dinner.  We were very lucky with the people on our table as Adrian knew them and they were interesting a sociable.  The man next to me was particularly good at talking and conversing and I never felt left out or excluded.  The meal was excellent - delicate portions but beautifully presented and amazing tastes.  There was white wine with the starter and red wine with the main course - and I had plenty left over to toast the Queen! There was a short speech by the Master and then it was all over and people started to leave - so I didn't even have to hang about for hours afterwards.  I was home by 11 - just before Mike!  He had spent an extra half hour in the pub joining in the food and company of the Chiswick Preservation Society which was apparently hosted by Mr & Mrs Grumpy! He was made very welcome. Extraordinary!

Tues 15th - allowed myself a late start today although I mustn't get in to the habit of it.  So it was 10.45 before I was back from walking Suki.  I then went off to Tesco for a few bits and pieces and ended up spending £65 and carrying two carrier bags and a pack of toilet rolls in addition to a full shopping trolley and rucksack!  Spent the day on admin.  We had scotch egg and salad for lunch and I had another piece of birthday cake then, and a further piece after supper (which was humus and bread).  Suki was sick on her afternoon walk, and then again on the living room carpet when she got back.  Unsurprisingly she was very quiet for the rest of the evening and didn't want to eat.  I spent the evening doing the large amount of scanning which had built up - finished all but a couple of bits.  Couldn't find Suki when I had finished so searched the house and found her huddled behind the wheelchair next to the bookcase with a pool of sick.

Wed 16th - Leanne's birthday.  Got up at a sensible time today.  Suki still unwell, was lying on the footstool in the dining room and more sick on the carpet, and did not want to go for a walk at all.  Svetla also unwell - texted me that she had a bad back.  I went up to the pharmacy to get some more dressings and then finished off the scanning and did all the shredding which was very satisfying.  Went over to see Keith and went to Sainsbury for him - underpants were on the list this week!  Ordered some biro refills from Amazon for him on return. I gave him something I had found in Mum's bible - a card signed by Nan agreeing that he could sign a pledge (probably a baptist youth club thing) when he was about 8!  He was amazed and asked to keep it.  We had open humus and walnut paste sandwich for lunch on olive bread.  Suki interested in a walk in the afternoon so we went to Acton Park for a while where she became a bit reluctant but was eventually persuaded to do a circuit.  In the evening went to GCU for another Messiah rehearsal.  Once again a fairly smooth bus journey got us there reasonably early.  Trish didn't come because something wrong with her car, but a friendly lady sat next to me who had sung with GCU previously for about 30 years!  I bought a sandwich there which did me for supper - we got a kebab again for Mike on the way home.  The 272 was 8 mins away when I came out of Lara so we walked home - and it passed us just as we got to Valetta Road. So right decision.  We watched the episode of David Attenborough's Planet Earth II about mountains when we got in, and then HIGNFY and had a glass of wine.  Suki ate some wet food from the meat pouch but wouldn't eat the dry.

Thurs 17th - big plans today to put up coat hooks and curtain pole which came to nothing but I did lots of other useful stuff.  Mike went to work and I took Suki out early - she still wasn't eating but was ok walking.  When I got back I Skyped Jayne for an hour and a half.  Then I spoke to Malc for nearly an hour!  By which time it was lunch time.  I spent the afternoon on Middx Bellringers stuff, preparing new member packs and tower forms for 2017 subscriptions. had a shower when I got back from walking Suki in the afternoon then went to supper with Pru and Caroline.  I had booked a table overlooking the river at Pizza Express on Bankside.  It had taken 3 telephone calls before I had been able to speak to someone to book the table - messages left had gone unanswered.  Then we were shown to a table which was indeed by the window but did not overlook the river. Caroline demurred and we were then shown to a table which was much better situated.  We had a lovely meal and with my clubcard vouchers we got £48 off and only had to pay £11 each. Got home about 9.15, having caught the 272 which arrived at Turnham Green as I did for a nice change, and had an early night with a hot drink and whisky and an episode of QI,  I tried a new angle for sleeping to try and ease my stiff neck - and Mike thought I was still awake when he came in and woke me up talking to me!

Fri 18th - Got up nice and early and was out with Suki by 9.  Then prepared all the stuff for the post office and took it up there just before lunch.  Bought a magazine and some chocolate to put in Jayne's parcel and then posted everything - just before big queue formed which was lucky. Dashed off a birthday card to John too. Mike had Pru's left over pizza for lunch and I had another open humus sandwich.  Wrote a letter to Mary and did more general admin etc - not sure where the time went but I was still at it when Mike went off to Barnes and only just finished in time to get to Barnes myself for 7.30.  Came straight home after the practice and made myself a lovely hot melted cheese jacket potato with chilli oil and had a glass of wine and watched final two episodes of The Fall.  Had only meant to watch one - but the TV version of the iPlayer starts to play the next episode automatically and I got into it.  So I was still watching TV when Mike came in - albeit I was in bed by then.

Sat 19th - John's birthday.   Well what a day I had.  Mike went off at 8 am to ring QPs in the Sevenoaks area and then to go to a concert by Tonbridge Choral which included Kit and Linda.  So I knew I had a long day to myself and after giving Suki a good long walk in Acton Park I stripped Mike's bed and put the washing on and then I got straight down to putting up the coat hooks, without even having a coffee (I know what I am like if I sit down with a coffee - it's lunch time before I stir again).  It took me all morning, but by 12.30 I had put up 4 sets of coat hooks - two on the back of the cupboard door, one on the wall inside the cupboard and one on the wall outside the cupboard.  I had to reposition the hooks on the wood for the one at the top of the inside of the door so that the door would close.  Finally I fixed the cabin hook I had in the drawer in place so that it would keep the cupboard door shut.  I was very pleased with the end result and it all looked a lot neater.  Also I could hang Mike's things where he could reach them.  The only screw of all those I had put in which failed to go all the way in - and then stripped the head so I couldn't get it out again - was the one screw which was on show, ie the one at the top on the cabin hook fixing.  Typical!
I sat down for some lunch and to recharge the batteries - I had a healthy Soulful Food Butternut Squash & Lentil pot, plus some banana and low fat custard (which was 2 years out of date but tasted ok) and a coffee.  Suki settled down for a sleep on my lap and it was tempting to stay there and nap myself, but I motivated myself to get going again and in the afternoon put up the curtain pole in the guest room.  This was not overly secure as the wall is in a very poor state around the window, but I think it will be secure enough to take the reasonably lightweight curtains I had bought - especially as they won't be pulled very often.  I divided up the additional rings between that pole and the one by Mike's bed so that both sets of curtains had a good number.   I then took Mike's curtains down and pulled tight all the bits of curtain tape that had pulled loose and tied it up, put the extra hooks in and rehung them.  They looked much better and are hopefully a bit stronger now.  Then I replaced the cord in the lightpull in the bathroom with a longer one - I had initially put the one made by Jayne's friend David up and it was too high for Mike. Then I ironed the heather curtains for the guest room and hung them up.  I was very relieved to see that they seemed to hang straight - so the pole must be reasonably straight.  It was very difficult to see by myself while holding the pole and standing on a ladder so it was more by luck than judgement.  Although the curtains were too short, they didn't look too bad as I had hung them as low as possible on the pole and they looked the same as the kitchen ones which I have begun to get used to.  They will certainly do for the time being and it was a lot easier than trying to take up ones which were too long - as the next available length to buy would have been.

It was then 7.30 pm so I decided to finish there (I had initially intended to take down the kitchen curtains and iron them but decided to leave that for another day). I was able to make Mike's bed at this point as Suki had finally got off his duvet which was on my bed and which had formed a nest for her for most of the day.  I had a shower and got into my comfies - then had another lovely melted cheese jacket potato and a large glass of red wine and watched some TV.  By 9.30 I couldn't keep my eyes open and went to bed and straight to sleep!
Suki's in there somewhere!
Sunday 20th - Diane's birthday.  Mike was there in bed in the morning so he must have got home safely, but I didn't hear him come in. A storm had raged all night, and there was lots of localised flooding.  I got up early and took Suki to Southfields - she needed her collar lights on as it was still dark, although light by the time we got back at 7.15.  The rain had stopped by then and it was quite mild - although later in the day it got very cold and windy.  Mike came to 8 am and we did the usual circuit.  Bought some more scotch eggs from Linda at Chiswick.  Mike got his rope caught while ringing up the 4 and was whipped over - cracking his head quite hard on the wall and scraping his nose.  I supervised the up-righting of him and his chair - fending off all the willing volunteers who wanted to untie his feet! He was a bit out of sorts so we rang 6 without him and he went off and had a cup of tea - and bought some home made bread!  When we got back he went upstairs and I plied him with tea.  He was fine except that he had a whistling in his ears and he wasn't hearing clearly.  Lorraine came over about 11.30 and we had a cup of tea and she harvested the chillies from the plant in the garden which had done amazingly well, especially considering it had been purchased from tesco and reduced to clear.  She borrowed sleeping bag and bivvy bag for her charity sleepout on Friday.  She arrived in Dudley - it was nice to see the campervan again and it suits her so well.  Between us we decided that the curtains did not need the tie backs that had been supplied with them, and looked better hanging loose.  Mike and I had some salmon for lunch (from his lunch at Caroline Stockman's house the previous day) with spinach - and half a scotch egg!  An interesting mix but it seemed to work.  I finished off the old custard - which tasted a bit funny today so I stirred in some jam!
The chilli harvest
Popped out with Suki in the afternoon but it was very cold and we just did the circuit of Wendell Park. Mike went to conversational evensong with Monica - and came back full of canapes so I just had a cheese salad for supper.  We had a couple of glasses red wine and watched some TV.  I had intended to do some cross stitch but decided to concentrate on updating the blog - with a view to having it updated in time to prepare my Christmas newsletter from it.  I did quite well and added two more blogs. Had a reasonably early night.

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