Back to Majorca

It was a godsend having Lorraine around to see to the children on the morning of the flight.  She also put all the stuff Amanda was leaving for Leanne in the loft once we had left.  The taxi (Transporter!) was on time at 9 am and we had a good journey to Stanstead - very easy and he was a good driver.  Amanda did all the heavy work with the trolley and bags while I took control of the buggy and Bethany. We were in plenty of time which was just as well as it took a while to check in - especially as the car seats and pram chassis needed to be checked in at the large baggage area.  After going through security we made a base and Amanda sourced some coffee and pastries.  The flight was quite full - both children were very well behaved.  The transfer worked well - and was very good value at £14 for all of us.  It was a minibus which we had all to ourselves!  Sam and his dad (Daz|) were waiting for us outside the apartment and it was good to be able to hand over some of the carrying! The apartment was basic but perfectly adequate.  It was however really cold.  Daz brought a heater over and we had it running all through the night every night.  We had a pizza delivered for supper - it was delicious with a particularly nice crust.

I woke with a sore throat in the night and the next day had a full on cold with hacking chesty cough - which lasted for over 8 days!  It spoilt my enjoyment somewhat.  On Sunday we all walked round to Aldi to get some cleaning bits and pieces and then Sam took the kids over to his Dad's and got the washing done while Amanda and I cleaned the apartment.  Well I did the kitchen and Amanda did the rest!  It certainly looked a lot better afterwards.  In the evening Daz babysat and Sam, Amanda and I went for a lovely meal at Meson Son Ferrer - something I didn't think I would every do again.  We all had steak and I had a lovely roquefort sauce with it.

On Monday morning we walked the 30 mins to Son Caliu to take Bethany to school.  She seemed to go in ok although she was crying when we left.  Amanda completed all the admin and paperwork and then we went to a cafe with wi fi and had a coffee and caught up with emails etc.  Then we walked back, getting a few bits in the chinese shop, cigs for Carolyn in the Tabac, and Amanda's bank details from the bank on the way.  We were supposed to go off with Joanne to look for apartments but when she arrived she didn't have room for the baby and the buggy and 3 adults so I stayed with Harrison in the apartment while Amanda and Jo went round on their own.  Amanda made a wonderful spag bol for supper.  We started watching the film The Revenant - but I was so ill I couldn't watch it all and just wanted to be in bed.

Walked to Son Caliu to take Bethany to school again the next day.  On the way back we went to a nice cafe in Magaluf and had a really delicious English breakfast.  I looked after Harrison again while Amanda went round with Jo again.  When they got back we all went to Meson for the set meal and spent all afternoon there with Joanne and Jolene etc.   Amanda and I watched the rest of the film in the evening while Sam went out to the quiz at Leo's bar.

Jolene ran me to the airport in the morning - we dropped Bethany off at school on the way.  I had a good flight back - very easy with EasyJet.  I watched an episode of Silent Witness at the boarding gate and another on the flight home.  I was back at the house by 3 pm and feeling pretty rotten with my cold.  But it was good to have the place back to ourselves again and I reorganised a few bits and pieces to make it feel like home again.  Mike went off to Goldsmiths in the evening and I had an early night dosed up with lemsip.

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