March goes marching on

John came to the house with me the next day and did a thorough job of going through everything again, while I sorted out the last bits and pieces from the kitchen that we wanted and the last of the paperwork. We took a break about 11 and went to the local cafe for coffee and a cake and went back again for lunch about 1!! They will probably wonder why they never see us again after we had been such obviously well satisfied customers. In the evening John wiped Keith's laptop and set it up for Leanne to use. He also went through all the 8mm films but there were none of interest. On the Saturday John and I took the television over to Carolyn and John spent the day with her. He set up the TV for her and also sorted out her iPad which had been locked by Apple. Meantime I went home and spent a happy afternoon watching the Rugby. In the evening I walked up to the High Road and met up with friends Ian, Marilyn and Les for a curry at Arkali - which we hadn'...