February ends with Rovers

Wayne sent some photos at last of the sun lounge in Bovey, which had been insulated (floor and ceiling) and decorated, plus new french doors installed.  We accepted a quote for him to decorate the rest of the house, and I had a fraught few days trying to choose colours.  Jayne even sent matchpots to me!  I will be so glad when this is all over.  The sun lounge did look very nice - and very pink!

Meanwhile, Amanda and Sam finally found an apartment to rent - overlooking the sea in Cala Vinyas (carrer sol) - and moved in.  They found a nice car too, and also bought Sam a moped.

Lorraine went off to Nicaragua for a week - staying in a spa retreat in a dormant volcano which had been bought by a friend of hers and just opened.  There was a lake at the bottom of the volcano and the resort had been built next to the lake.  It looked fabulous.

Lee and Emma came to stay for the week on 20th February with their dogs Neville and Beau.  This made for a noisy but happy week.  The dogs mainly got on well - they have been friends for a long time after all - but it became obvious that the dynamics between them were changed from when Suki stays with them at their house.  There was absolute bedlam the first time the postman came to the door as all three dogs went rushing to the door barking and Suki clearly thought that this was unacceptable as it was her job to frighten off the postman and she couldn't even get to the door!  So she attacked Beau and Lee had to separate them.  We were a bit careful after that and made sure Beau was in the bedroom if anyone was likely to come to the door. Suki and Neville were fine together - here sleeping peacefully on the sofa after one of their long walks.

 Lee and Emma went out and about during the day - and often took Suki with them for long walks.  It was great to have them around and to have them walk Suki. The plan was for them to have a holiday with us in London and for them to be at the house for the weekend looking after Suki while we were in Loughborough on the Roving Ringers Reunion weekend.  While we were away Lee did the garden for us and did a tip run.  It was a lovely surprise when we got back to see the garden looking so neat and tidy and trimmed!

Roving Ringers Weekend was very enjoyable and well organised.  We picked Peter up in Ealing at 7.45 am on the Saturday morning and arrived in Loughborough just before 10 am which was when the tour of the foundry was starting.  This was quite interesting - although I suspect Mike enjoyed it more than me.  I just kept looking at all the dirt and piles of stuff lying around and wondered how anyone could work in that mess!

I didn't do any of the tower bell ringing but enjoyed myself sitting in the car doing cross stitch while Mike was ringing.  He was in a special Quarter Peal on Sunday morning to mark the occasion.

There was tea and cake when we arrived at the hotel - the cake had been made by Lucy and consisted of a layer of lemon cake and a layer of chocolate cake.  Well it would be rude not to try both wouldn't it!!

In the evening there was a formal dinner with excellent speeches.  Mike and I were in the handbell band which rang three leads of Kent TB Royal in memoriam of departed Rovers, and in particular for Sylvia Davies and David Beacham.  I kept my wine intake to a minimum beforehand as I didn't want to mess it up - but made up for it later!!

Chris Caryer produced a full report with photos

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