A brief spell in London

Back in London I tackled the pile of admin which had accumulated while I had been away - including lots of correspondence regarding Keith's "estate".  There was also a mountain of ironing.  It took me a week to clear it all, but eventually I was able to update this blog and make some progress on some of my other projects.  I decided to leave returning to fitness classes until I was clear - and only managed one class before the end of the month.

It was the Middlesex AGM on the Saturday, and I prepared all the membership certificates ready for collection and also had a big box of clothing labelled up and ready for distribution.  In return I came home with two boxes of reports to distribute!  Suki went to stay with Linda for the day and overnight so I didn't have to worry about her.  I went to Pimlico to ring for S&W in the striking competition.  We came fourth out of four as expected.  Monica struggled to control the treble, and it was very much a second string band so not really capable of settling into a good rhythm.  I was somewhat upset that Mike hadn't been asked to ring but he seemed ambivalent about it.  We then went over to Rochester Row where there was a queue of people waiting to ring on the newly hung ring there.  Monica and I decided to give it a miss and go for a coffee and a piece of cake.  Just as well I had some cake as later on the food ran out at the meeting before I could get some and there were several others who were disappointed, including the curate who had taken the service.  I did my cross stitch during the meeting - which made it bearable. I also had a good session cross stitching the next day when I did an extra stint of church sitting in place of Martin.

We rang Sophie's first QP on a working bell on the Sunday morning - I found it quite hard on the wrists but was pleased I could push on to the end.  Then on the Monday evening we rang Simon's first QP in hand - called by Peter.

I couldn't get in to the Fitness Class on the Tuesday but went to Zumba Gold on Thursday - Dee is back.  Once again expected to hold hands with strangers!! Went out for supper with Caroline and Pru in the evening and had a lovely steak frites at Cotes Restaurant.  I resisted the dessert but treated myself to a Courvoisier while they ate their puds.  On Friday went to Steve's to have another go at a peal of Cambridge Royal.  I was not as good as last time, and kept going wrong in 7ths place bell.  But we had a good practice at it and no-one seemed to mind too much that we had failed yet again.

And at last it was Saturday and time to go to Devon again.  Mike went off to ring QPs (all failed!) and I sent out all the reports to the unattached members and remaining tower correspondents before setting off to Devon around midday.  I had an uneventful journey and arrived 3 pm.

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