Back home before Intrepid
Mon. Went ringing with Mike for the handbells 6-7 pm. Then read book while they attempted a QP of Yorkshire. It didn't go well! Had nice Shepherd's pie in the pub and made a better fist of being sociable. Peter R shocked to be told Cher version of "It's In His Kiss"playing over the speakers was not the original!
Tues. Had a really productive day, clearing all the paperwork and admin stuff, including all email admin etc. Washed all the bedding including both duvets and mattress protectors. Weather was a bit cold but dry and sun came out in the afternoon. Following day was even better - sun had some warmth and shone for longer!
Wed. 6.44 am. New great nephew born.
Finished printing maps for Intrepid and synced all the Marks to my phone ready for next week. Really pleased with the outcome - map on phone now shows overnight mooring points and ringing venues for each day. I found out how to change settings to show OS grid references rather than co-ordinates - and was delighted to see this fed through to the phone software. Updated blog!
Thurs. More cute photos arrived of great nephew - together with the announcement that his name is Aidan (Aidan Boksh). I had already put "Ryan's birthday" in my calendar!
Struggled with dizzy spells today but seemed to calm down enough for me to mow the lawn and then go and ring handbells at Guys - losing another attempt at Rutland on 5-6. Ho hum. Had a salad in pitta from Lara on the way home - and suffered bad tummy the next day. Must be the only person who has a "dodgy salad" from the kebab place!! Very pleased with the clematis I planted last year which both have flowers on now - and even the old one I thought had died (or been choked by the Montana) has thrown up some flowers this year.
Fri. Dizziness very bad when I woke up and I wondered if I would be able to get up, but it was ok if I walked slowly and didn't move my head too much. Tried to stay calm and quiet all day. Managed to get to Tesco to get a few bits and pieces for Intrepid and made a large vegetable curry to take with us for the first evening.