Butlins 2017

18th to 25th August 2017 at Bognor Regis Photos I picked Lorraine up at 10 am and we set off for Bognor. Apparently I had passed the intercom test with flying colours! The intercom on the gate at the convent was broken and the sign said "press the button and state who you are and why you are visiting" which I had done. Everyone else had pressed the button and then gone "hello...... hello.....". We had a good journey down and arrived about 12.30. We messaged the family WhatsApp group and discovered everyone else was on the same train! Lorraine and I had a nice lunch in the new Fish and Chip restaurant where Lorraine was able to get tomato and basil soup and some chips. I had a delicious fish cake. I then allowed myself to be accosted by one of the awful dressed up people so that we could send a photo to the WAgroup showing we had started!! Lorraine and I checked in and had a little wander and then the others arrived at the gate. ...