London without Suki

When we got back from Devon I checked the garden and found the fence was now much more substantial, and attractive, but that they had run the electrics for the garden lights up our side of the fence and then drilled holes in the fence to feed them through!!  And still no sign of the trellis!!  I texted Nicki again, and they both came round the next day.  They agreed with us entirely, and in fact helped pull the wires back through.  They said that they had just spent half an hour digging out half the plants that had been planted as there were far too many and way over budget!  Its a shame about the holes but hopefully I will be able to cover them with the climbers.

We also found that the bathroom door no longer closed - and there were large cracks in the door jamb.  We put it down to the house settling after all the work that had been going on either side of us!

It was a weird week without Suki - very quiet and no need to go out for a walk twice a day!  I had quite a lie-in the first day as a treat.  I went for supper with Pru and Caroline at the Pizza Express on London Bridge which was fun - and appreciated not needing to worry about Suki being on her own.  On Thursday, when Mike went to work, I tried out the Aerobics class at 9.30 am.  I enjoyed it and it was certainly more of a work out for me than the Forever Fit class.  On the way back I dropped in to the Nail bar and had a pedicure and manicure.  In the evening I took delivery of a Sainsburys order for Butlins which saved us having to do a major shop when we arrived.

And when I got back from Butlins next door's garden was finished - very smart but somewhat artificial (and the water feature is quite noisy - a cascade rather than a restful trickle!).  A trellis had been put up - not mine and not in the right place but I decided to accept it and draw a line and locked the back gate so they couldn't get in any more.

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