Lord's - and focus on fitness!

I decided to concentrate on improving my fitness for a week before going back to Devon as I was feeling somewhat lethargic not to mention large and bumbly.  So I did three lots of Group Cycling in addition to my usual Forever Fit and Active Circuit classes.  It was hard work, and quite exhausting, but it did seem to have a positive effect so I will endeavour to keep it up.

Mike and I had a nice day at Lord's cricket ground, as guests of Clare and Francis Judge, who is a member.  They had arranged for us to have a parking space inside the ground so we were able to drive there and back which was something of a luxury (although public transport might have proved more efficient!).  It was rather a dull, cold day but very enjoyable - with a county match taking place between Lancs and Middx (divided loyalties for Mike).  We went into the Pavilion and watched a bit of cricket from inside by the door where the players go in and out, and also had a look round at the paintings etc on the walls.  Then we went in to watch a somewhat one-sided match of Short Tennis, which is apparently streamed to YouTube throughout each day.  Then we went to the new Warner stand, where Mike and Francis watched some cricket while Clare and I did a circuit of the ground and had a look in the shop.  Lots of the food outlets etc were closed as they only open on test days, and it was all very quiet and subdued.  When play stopped for lunch we went out of the ground and had lunch at Raoul's, about 5 mins walk away.  It was a Mediterranean restaurant and I had really nice grilled meatballs.  Mike had a nice goulash and Francis a nice linguine.  However Clare's Chicken Caesar salad was awful - just a dish of little gem lettuce with warm chicken pieces and croutons on it, on a warm plate causing the lettuce to go limp, and a plastic bottle of sauce to pour over it!  I was driving so I stuck to sparkling water, but the others also enjoyed a bottle of house red.  Clare and Francis had to leave early, but Mike and I stayed on watching the cricket until the end of play for the day.  They occasionally stopped because of bad light - and we took the opportunity to go round the museum which was very interesting.  It included the original Ashes urn.  The sun came out in the late afternoon and they played until about 6.30 - I was beginning to get a bit cold by then and had the heater on in the car all the way home.

Suki was attacked in Wendell Park by three Springer Spaniels - on Mike's birthday.  Their owner was an awful woman with a german accent - and all the other dog owners in the park at the time came over and said they had all had trouble with her.  They said they would be witnesses and were all very supportive.  Suki was bleeding quite badly from the mouth.  The woman came over - with her dogs! - and said it was Suki's fault because she had approached her dogs!!!  I emailed a photo of Suki's injuries to the vet but then had to go and ring handbells at Steve's - we lost Cambridge Royal again on the third attempt when Peter put his bells down after 2 hours and ran out of the room!  The vet said to bring her in at 4.45 - so I set off to walk but Suki wouldn't walk and I picked her up and was just wondering how to get her to the vet's when Monica turned up out of the blue in her car!  She was on her way to Barnes and was dropping in a card for Mike.  So she gave us a lift to the vet's which was a godsend.  He gave Suki three injections, two painkillers and one with antibiotics (£160).  The painkillers must have started working because Suki did walk home ok.  I went off to ring at Mortlake in the evening and then we went for a "birthday meal" at the Red Lion.  Mike had moussaka and I had a pretentious chicken baguette - piled high and held together with a wooden spike!

The next day Suki was still quite traumatised and didn't want to walk very far.  I decided to report the attack to the police.  I didn't think they would do anything about it but I thought it would help build a picture if they attacked other dogs, or possibly a child.  The police were lovely, really interested and sympathetic, and agreed with my reasons for reporting it and thanked me for doing so.  I was quite surprised as I thought they would be dismissive and feel I was wasting their time.  Mike took Suki for a walk in the afternoon and when they got back she was much more like her old self and was fully recovered in a couple of days.

While they were out walking I did some gardening - finally getting round to sorting out the climbers that had been pulled down and left hanging when our fence had been removed.  I cut the grass first and then attached all the plants to the new fence.   I was very pleased with the result and it all stands a chance of growing now.  Not so pleased to discover the neighbours electric wiring still comes through the fence and runs along our side!

I was supposed to go for supper with Caroline and Pru but Caroline pulled out as she had been having fits and was waiting to get medication to help.  Pru and I were quite concerned by this - it sounds a bit serious.

Suki and I went to Steyning to visit Diane and go for a walk on the South Downs.  I was a bit apprehensive about such a long drive there and back in one day (about two hours each way), plus a long walk, but it was very worth it.  We were very lucky with the weather as it was clear blue skies and sunny, with a light breeze.  When I arrived Diane showed me round the garden, which had just been completed and was very beautiful.  They had only been in the house since December and were very pleased with it.  David wasn't too keen on Suki and having said hello kept out of the way!

We walked from the house up on to the South Downs way and then round to Monarch's Way, stopping in Buddington Bottom for a spot of packed lunch -  Diane had made spinach and cheese tart which we had with some leaves and tomatoes picked from the garden that morning.  It was delicious.  The chalk was slippery on the way down and I managed to fall over - just as Diane was saying "we'll have to be careful on this bit"...  No harm done and I was glad I was wearing waterproof trousers as I was covered in chalk!  We were out for 4 hours, walking just over 8 miles with total of over 1500 feet of ascent.  When we got back Diane rustled up a cream tea and we sat in the garden devouring it.  I managed to drive back without nodding off at the wheel - although Suki and I collapsed for the rest of the evening once we had got in.

The weekend saw the start of the Middlesex S&W District Quarter Peal Week which Mike had been organising with Linda.  He was kept busy all weekend ringing QPs - but I managed to avoid it completely.  Saturday morning was lovely and sunny so Suki and I went for a walk from Denham - 5 miles through the Country Park to the canal then up one side and back down the other.  It was good to get out in the sunshine and I am glad I made the effort.

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