NHS & Weather conspire against us

It looks as if I left Devon at the right time - there was a red weather warning the next day for severe snow and ice, due to Storm Emma coming up from the south.  I might have been snowed in there -  which I wouldn't have minded ordinarily but I needed to be back this time to take Mike in to hospital  on 28th for his pressure sore operation on 1 March.  The garden was covered in quite thick snow - and the pavements were very icy with thick hard packed snow on them.  It was all treacherous.

The snow started again about half an hour before we were due to set off, and I was getting very anxious about driving.  All the official advice was to stay in unless your journey was absolutely necessary.  People had been stuck on the A303 all night.  It was difficult getting out of London - Larden Road was slippery and had snow on it, as did the Uxbridge Road.  The A40 was a little better but the snow was beginning to build at the sides, and we were driving through blizzard conditions which made visibility difficult at times.  However it got a bit better after Denham and I was quite surprised at how little there seemed to be around Amersham, where the skies were clear and blue and the sun was shining.  The roads were reasonably good from then on - and we got a lucky parking space right outside the entrance.  We had a light lunch in the cafe and then I left Mike booking in to the ward and headed back.  It was much better on the way back - the snow had stopped and the A40 had cleared and dried up a bit.  Valetta Road was still an ice rink but I managed to find a space to slide into.  I then had to head out with Suki - and slid my way round Acton Park (which was full of children having fun with the snow!).  Suki loves the snow and throws herself on to the ground to roll in it every few years.  She also tries to eat the ice off the pavement - which sets my teeth on edge.  I  felt very unsteady on my feet and was very glad to finally get in and stay in.

The next day I cancelled Aerobics and stayed in the warm to do stuff.  I had received all the forms in from the Middx towers and needed to update the database, chase up the stragglers and prepare the report pages for James. At the same time I reviewed every tower page and contact form on the web site, making sure the info was correct, that the form was set to go to the correct email address, that the practice day information was correct, and that all the pages were set out in the same way. I also had some numbers club admin to do and I was still working on my project of putting old Barnes QPs on to Bell Board.

About midday Mike rang to say he had been told that all operations were cancelled so that staff could be re-deployed for cover in other departments.  Mind you on the news it was showing great logistical exercises to get NHS staff in to work - some walking miles and an army of 4x4 owners being drafted in to ferry them.  He was re-scheduled for the following Thursday - but had to stay in to block the bed!  What a waste of time for him! Thank goodness there is wi fi there these days. Selfishly I was glad I didn't have to do that drive again.

Mike was allowed home on weekend leave - so I drove out to get him on Friday morning, before the threatened next lot of snow arrived.  I was astounded by the amount of snow around Amersham - considering how sparse it had been two days previously.  There must have been an awful lot on Thursday.  Some of the dual carriageways only had one lane clear, and there were huge drifts over the road near Stoke Mandeville.  Mr Derry had changed the dressings to bettadine soaked ribbon gauze - and when Mike got back (after only 2 nights in hospital) his pressure wound was smelly, soft and squidgy and exuding blood and guts all weekend.  I was really annoyed - it would be so ironic if he had picked up an infection already!  People were dropping out of the QP left right and centre because of the weather so Trisha and I thought the practice should be cancelled.  Mike wasn't best pleased - especially as he had booked Malcolm to replace someone in the QP and there was then no way of contacting him to say it was cancelled.  Mike and I went out to CJs to eat - which helped dispel the disappointment of not going over to ring minor all night with Malcolm and Richard Johnson!

Mike went off  to help with the beginners practice at Barnes on Saturday morning which was being run by Chris and Caroline Ridley as Trisha was at a 2-day ART conference.  Apparently there were 27 people there - one from as far away as Hersham.  We had 3 of the local learners, Louise and her two children, with us on Sunday as we were short - the ringing was not good, especially as the boy was on the tenor and couldn't keep it up, but at least they felt useful.

I was supposed to be going over to my sister's as it was her birthday - but I didn't go because the travel conditions were still bad and I had not expected Mike to be around.  With nothing planned for the weekend we went out to eat again on Saturday night this time to Lara - Monica joined us.  By then it was raining quite hard and the snow was beginning to go.

On Sunday the snow had almost completely disappeared having been washed away by the rain helped by the temperature rising.  All 3 of us went to Gail's for porridge. Mike got the rope caught under the wheel while we were ringing down at Chiswick - which is of course moments before the service begins - and his chair flipped over leaving him lying sideways on the floor still ringing. The huge crash made the whole congregation jump and turn round.  We had to keep assuring people he was ok while we carried on ringing down - the last thing we wanted was people rushing between the ropes to try and help. Mike arranged handbells with Sophie in the afternoon and Monica in the evening - but he did take Suki out so that I could make some progress with the Middx stuff (I had been anticipating a whole weekend to myself!). I rustled up some pasta in the evening for the 3 of us with a glass of wine.

On Monday morning I dropped him back at the hospital around 11.  There was still a lot of snow lying around in hedgerows but the roads were completely clear - at last!  I took the opportunity of taking Suki for a walk in Wendover Woods.  We did a nice 3.5 mile circuit taking about 1.30 hrs and then I treated myself to a bacon sarnie at the cafe (where very sensibly one is allowed to take a dog in to queue, albeit not to sit).

Mike had been told he must stay in hospital from Monday or risk losing the bed - even though the operation was on Thursday.  He had been planning to have the car for the next 3 days and go in to work in the day time and go ringing in the evening, but he realised he must do as they say if he wants to make sure the op happens.  The others who had their operations cancelled last week were sent home to wait for a new date.  Mike thought the only reason his was rescheduled was because they have ordered a special bed for him and it would be costly to send it back and reorder it again later.

I did my fitness classes on Tuesday but didn't book anything else as I was hoping to go to Devon once Mike had had his op.  I finished all the Middlesex stuff and all the other admin that had piled up.  I went up to Guys for a peal attempt of Yorkshire with Caroline, Ian and James.  I rang the tenors so that Ian could ring inside.  Unfortunately it failed with 5 courses to go when James missed a bob during a bit of a kerfuffle.  After a shaky false start I got into the swing and was quite pleased with my ringing.

Having kicked his heels in Stoke Mandeville for three days, and having been nil by mouth since midnight, Mike was told at 12.30 on Thursday that the op was cancelled again because the operations the day before had overrun.  I had my bags packed by the door ready to go to Devon when Mike rang to tell me - I was just having a coffee before setting off.  At least I wasn't halfway down the motorway. Luckily I had delayed my departure to get the new member packs out.  So I had to go and pick him up again and he had to wait all weekend to see if the op could be rescheduled - apparently the consultant needed to negotiate with the other surgeons to try and get extra theatre time as his list was full.  We went out to eat again when we got in - this time to CĂ´tes as I fancied a steak.

We went to Barnes on Friday evening in time for the QP - and luckily we did because Rod didn't turn up (he went to the Middlesex practice at Magnus!).  This gave Mike the opportunity to ring the 5 and when a QP of Grandsire Triples was scored it was the 80th time Mike had circled the tower to QPs! I spent the time doing the final checks on the Middx report stuff before sending it to James.  We had a nice evening in the Red Lion - my chickpea curry was cold but I summoned up the courage to ask them to warm it up and it was much better thereafter.  I also enjoyed being able to drink non-alcoholic lager - and felt better for it when driving home.

On Saturday we went to Cantanti's concert with Monica. Mike found it interesting to be in the audience for a change and of course enjoyed all the attention of choir members coming up to talk to him.  I think I heard the story of the cancelled ops about 20 times!!

Sunday was Mothering Sunday so we were given daffodils on the way out of church.  They were just buds when we got them but they bloomed really quickly once they had been put in water  - and were at their best just as we left the house for Mike to go back to hospital and me to go to Devon on Tuesday which was a shame.

Just to finish the weekend off, we went to Tarantella on Sunday evening for a meal.  I decided to be adventurous and have the special pasta, which had aubergine and tuna, but it was a mistake and I should have stuck to my favourite penne arrabiata.  The sauce was tasteless and oily, with not a hint of the promised garlic, and with an underlying flavour of fish!  I had to cover it in parmesan and eat some of Mike's pizza with it just to be able to eat it - and wash it down with a rather fine Montepulciano.  I could taste it in my throat for days afterwards.

It was a really good practice on Monday at Chiswick.  It was second Monday so there was the QP band - plus me and two visitors from Staffordshire who could clearly ring the standard 8 quite competently.  So we had Bristol, London (failed) and 5-spliced S Major.  Nice for Mike to go out on a high!  The visitors got a completely false impression of what the practice is usually like - but they were certainly very useful.  It's going to be a different story for the next couple of months.  Mike will be out of action and we may lose our regular visitor from Essex, Simon Ward.  His contract in Brentford has ended and he will have to go where he can find another one.  That leaves Monica, Richard Jones, Francis and Sophie (our very competent learner) with occasional visits from Adrian.  If I go ringing I will end up having to ring all evening and will do my wrists in even more.

Mike's op was rescheduled for Thursday again and I took him back to Stoke Mandeville on the Tuesday and then drove straight on down to Devon.  The satnav took me across country via Oxford to the Newbury junction of the M4 and was another three and a half hours driving on top of the hour it had taken to get to Stoke Mandeville.  The operation did finally go ahead this time - though they would have cancelled it if I hadn’t been cancelled twice already.  He went in at 4.45 and came out at 6.30.   Mr Derry had been operating since 7.30 am.  Apparently he looked knackered before he started.  Now Mike faces two weeks of floating on a far-to-hot air bed.

Home to Bovey via Stoke Mandeville

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