Roving Ringers Reunion 2018


Mike turned up at midnight and we were able to have a good night's sleep as the first tower in the morning, Crediton, was only about 40 minutes away. There was a good turnout - unusual for the first tower - and Mike had a good ring.  I managed some Grandsire Cinques but declined any further ringing as my wrists were painful.  The lunchtime pub was very good - Mike and I both paced ourselves with a baguette rather than a proper meal.

Peter took Mike around for the rest of the afternoon while I went off to the station to pick up the two Helens (Mark's sister and Helen Taylor).  We drove round together for the rest of the afternoon although I didn't go up to ring anywhere.  Helen T did the navigating.

The hotel was very good and we had an enjoyable formal dinner with a nice wine.  Mike and I were part of the handbell band to ring three leads of Kent Royal in memory of those Rovers who had died in the year.  We rang some handbells after the meeting and then I went to bed - just as some jobsworth came to complain that we were making a noise near bedrooms!  Mike came along later.

In the morning Mike went off to breakfast early to go with Peter to ring at St Davids - I had a shower and a later breakfast then took the Helen's around.  I had a ring at St Mark's - I thought it would be a good idea to try them out with a friendly band just in case I was asked to ring there sometime, or decided to go to the practice.  I nearly went up at Heavitree but bottled out at the last moment.  I managed to do some cross stitch, listen to my book, and have a brief nap while sitting in the car in the sunshine.  It was freezing cold outside but lovely and warm in the car.

The lunchtime pub was a Wetherspoons - the food was very good though and it was well organised. I went along to the Cathedral with the others but didn't go up - I stayed at the bottom with Kath and Michael Chilcott, who weren't very pleased about not being allowed to go up but it was the most sensible thing to do.  I arranged for a couple of chairs for them so that they could sit outside in the sunshine and listen to the special Rovers touch of Stedman in memory of Cyril Deem.  Helen T rang in it and then we ran to the car and rushed to the station - just catching her train to York.  When I got back to the cathedral the Chilcotts had gone in and I helped Jen get them to her the car, via the loo.

A few of us went back to the Wetherspoons for a cup of tea/coffee - Mike knocked his over but luckily there was a free refill policy so he could just go and get another one.  Then Mike drove back to London and Peter dropped me back at Bovey.

A few weeks later there was a write up in the Ringing World about the Roving Ringers which mentioned last year's tour and this year's reunion.

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