
When I let Suki out in the morning I saw that the garden had burst into bloom while we had been away and was looking absolutely fabulous. I turned up at Chiswick for the 8 am service to find the place full of flowers - with this creation on the font! An interesting challenge for the 8 ringers Monica had lined up to ring for the Festival! Mind you the church looked absolutely lovely I was particularly taken by the Remembrance one - including the perspex cut out figures representing the fallen who were no longer with us Monica decided that it was only practical to ring the back four, so I was able to get away early without ringing and get a nice early start for Devon - arriving around mid-afternoon - for a week's visit prior to picking Mike up from Intrepid. It was lovely to finally be able to relax and recuperate from the activity and early mornings of the week before. Suki was a bit clingy for a few days but eventually settled back...