A beautiful bank holiday

Not a lot happened over the next couple of weeks - just did all the usual things.  The weather was mixed - sometimes sunny and warm sometimes cold and wet.  It is my favourite time of year for the garden as everything is growing - but tidily unlike August when there are dead leaves and flowers to deal with.  Acton park looked beautiful - the rhododendrons were out in profusion, and the moorhen chicks appeared on the pond.  I took some photos of the rhododendrons - and Google stitched them together and sent the result to me a few days later.  It's rather spooky that it can do that but the result was lovely.

I rang a couple of handbell peals - one of Superlative Major on the trebles with Steve, and one of Kent Royal on 7-8 at Guys.

I went to fitness classes, walked the dog, sorted all my digital photos out into albums and deleting the duplicates and ones I didn't want.  I also did my first email mail merge - setting up a gmail address for the london bellringing school and sending an email out to all tower contacts.  It was quite straightforward and I was pleased to have acquired the "skill".

I went walking with Maryanne, Mary and Kath Firman - we did the Nettlebed walk from Russel's Water Common again to do a final recce for Maryanne to lead it for the Ramblers the following Saturday.  We were blessed with good weather - dry and sunny.  The day before had been wet with gale force winds.  We had a nice lunch at the Five Horseshoes - I chose the beef sandwich at random and it was excellent and came with chips which was a nice surprise!  Suki and I were both quite tired when we got home - and we both had a snooze although Suki was whacked out for the rest of the evening!

Munchies opened again!  Hurrah!  Mike and I went and had a celebratory breakfast there on the opening weekend and thereafter many tuna mayo baguettes and cakes over the following weeks!  Didn't help the weight problem!!

It was the Middlesex Association AGM at the end of April - Suki went to Linda so that Mike and I could go to the whole event.  I rang for the B team in the striking competition - and we didn't come last!  The tea was a little disappointing - having been told at the service that the "chef" was present, and that he was a chef in real life, and there being a nice smell of samosas wafting in, we thought we were in for a treat.  However it turned out to be a small pre-plated very basic ploughmans followed by fruit salad and a small selection of cakes (although at least there were some with icing and a cherry!).  I picked up all the reports for the unattached members and towers without members - and got them all sent out by the end of that week!

They had been forecasting exceptionally hot weather for the bank holiday weekend for a week beforehand, so I decided I would have a mini-break at home.  I set up the sun bed with my ITSA, a table next to it and even developed a way of using dad's broken sunshade umbrella propped up against the shed, and I sat in the garden every day - mainly cross stitching but also reading. I hardly ever get round to just enjoying the garden, and the weather was just too good to miss.

Luckily Mike was out ringing all day on the Saturday, and at the Middlesex handbell day on the Monday so there was only Sunday when my peace was disturbed in any way - he decided to fix the back gate which didn't shut properly so I had to run up and down fetching drills and bolts etc and then hold the gate while he worked.  Mind you it was a job which had needed doing for years and it was much better when it was fixed.  There was a bit of a girlie moment when I was on the other side of the gate trying to tighten the bolts and they just kept sticking further out - and then several minutes and changes of equipment later Mike spotted that I was turning them the wrong way!!

It was Aidan's first birthday on 10 May - I sent a whale baby shade pool and some play balls which arrived 2 days before, and I managed to send a card off on time.  New year resolution met!

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