Saturday 3 May

The lithium battery charger turned up while I was walking Suki!  So much for arriving on Monday - good job I hadn't put convoluted arrangements in place for getting it to Intrepid next week.  I was pleased though - it is a lovely piece of kit about the size of a portable hard drive but lighter.  I charged it up straight away and found a nice turkish purse to keep it in along with the cables and a plug.  The postman brought the AA battery powered one about an hour later.  That was small and neat and very light - so I am now well placed for charging on Intrepid when the socket is booked solid!!  I spent the morning finishing off the packing and doing some washing.  It was a lovely sunny day so I put it outside and Lorraine brought it in for me when she left for Carolyn's.  I got out two pairs of new springer sandals - one to wear around Oxford and one to wear at the dinner, and my new pink M&S micro fleece I had been saving for several years!  So felt like a new woman!! Lorraine cooked a lovely lunch of vegetables - roasted squash, potatoes, tomatoes and peppers together with red cabbage, carrots and spinach.  Finished up lots of stuff which was good.  Then Mike and I went to Oxford - calling in at Sainsbury in Beaconsfield on the way to get some more dressings.  We arrived at the hotel about 4 pm, checked in and had a cup of tea and got changed, then took the park and ride bus in to town which was very efficient.  We walked to Blackwells and purchased a couple of Nicholson guides covering the routes from the new Intrepid mooring at Netheravon, and I got a Ridgeway guide ready for August. Unfortuately they didn't have the explorer map I needed so I will have to order it online.  We then went to choral evensong at Magdalen which was excellent and then took a taxi to Somerville for the OUSGG 95th Anniversary Dinner.  We had champagne on the lawn and talked to some members from the 60s, and then met up with Peter Lunt who was also in a wheelchair although he could walk a little.  Then when we sat down we were with contemporaries of Mike, such as Mike Merritt and Andy Cabe.  We had a lovely dinner and the speeches were very good.  We then went on to the student bar and had another drink, and when we were ready to go we realised we would be just in time for the last Park and Ride bus back which was perfect.  When we got back Mike was happy to join me for a nightcap in the bar so he had a half of Stella (!!) and I had a Laphroiag Whisky and a hot chocolate.  Went to bed about half past midnight.

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