Wednesday 30 April

Went pushing this morning.  A very hot and sunny day which was nice.  Quite a long walk found Chiswick House.  I stayed for the tea and Monica gave Suki and me a lift home which was very welcome.  In the afternoon made a start on updating the membership database with 1991-2 report.  Set of at 4.45 to go to Harrow to ring handbells at Chris O'Mahony's place.  Took me an hour (rather than 25 minutes) because of road works and extra traffic due to tube strike.  I wasn't last though!  Had a couple of attempts at peal of St Clements Bob Major but it didn't go so after a brief interlude for a drink and cheese and biscuits we rang a fast and accurate QP of Yorkshire Major which was great fun.  Only took me 20 minutes to get home! Had a glass of wine with Lorraine and went to bed and watched episode of Crimson Field. Mike went to Richmond practice.

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