Family Get Together in Manchester

Mike went to Barnes at 9 am to run a training day on Listening Skills with John Harrison (see report by Michael de Freitas on Barnes ringers blog and I grabbed a lift with him to the tube station.  Didn't have to walk Suki as Emma was coming to get her and have her for the weekend.  Got to Euston really early and got the tickets without any problems.  We were all supposed to be meeting up for breakfast at 10 am but I got a text from the others to say they hadn't left the house yet so I went up to the first class lounge and had a hot chocolate and read my book.  The others arrived just before 11 so I went down to the concourse as our train was at 11.40 and they wanted to get something to eat on the train.  At 11.30 all the trains suddenly showed "delayed" and there was an announcement that someone had been hit by a train in the Watford area.  We dithered as to whether to go up to the lounge or not - and eventually at 12 we did, but then spotted the trains had started to move along the screens again so we went straight back down again (Sam was still in the lift with the pram!).  We watched our train disappear off the screen without displaying a platform, and when I enquired at the information desk what had happened was informed that the train had gone!  I restrained from exploding and got instructions to join the next train from platform 13 - so ran and got the others and we all got on just before that train departed.  The guard helped us find seats in a virtually empty first class carriage and we were able to spread out and enjoy the journey.  Gary Lineker was in the same carriage - no doubt going up to Salford to present Match of the Day. I finally finished the Inspector Lynley book!

John was waiting for us when we got to Manchester Piccadilly, and we piled into two taxis and went to the Victoria Hotel.  The drivers didn't know the way and John had to direct the front taxi and our driver followed it. Once we had checked in John went home for an hour and we went to our rooms and chilled out.  We all met up again at 5.30 in reception and then at 6 went in to the main restaurant where we had a lovely meal courtesy of John, served by very friendly staff.  I had breaded Camembert followed by sirloin steak and then sticky toffee pudding all washed down with red wine of course.  We then went into the reception/lounge again and exchanged presents and had coffee and drinks, I had a scotch.  We all went to bed reasonably early and I listened to the News Quiz before going to sleep around 10.30.

I slept through until 8.30 in the morning which was heavenly!  We met up in reception and I ordered a taxi to take us to the tram station - it came and was big enough to fit us all in plus luggage and pram. It was quite a short drive to the station so I gave the driver a bit more than the £5 charged.  The tram came quickly and we enjoyed the journey through the streets of Manchester which took about 50 mins.  Once at Piccadilly we went to TGI Fridays and had breakfast, again courtesy of John, and again we had amazing service, including warming Bethany's bottle.  Our bill had little messages on it handwritten by the waitress.  A really nice way to finish.  We caught the train easily and upgraded to first class so that we could have the space to spread out again.  I watched the Children in Need Best Bits programme on the iPlayer.  Once back I caught the tube home - Mike was out walking Suki when I got in around 3.30 pm.  We both went and sang in the choir at the Advent Service at St Nick's in the evening and then had mulled wine in church, then went to the pub, before getting in around 9 pm.  We just grabbed some bread and tapenade for supper and went to bed.

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