Friday 5th December

Washed the shower curtain and cleaned out the shower tray this morning.  After walking Suki I put the final touches to the Christmas Newsletter and started printing it out, and also put it on my web site.  Marked up my music for tomorrow with stands, sits and omits, and then went through some of the dodgy bits.  Continued to listen to rehearsal CD on my phone while I walked Suki in the afternoon.  Finalised financial statement for District ADM and gave Mike a copy to take to planning meeting tomorrow.  Moved the furniture around in the living room and cleared it of presents etc ready for Cantanti handbells and lunch on Sunday. Went to ringing later than Mike, and did all the ironing first.  Came straight home after the practice and watched Inspector Lynley with glass of red wine then went to bed.  Mike brought Hugo home!  Had to get up and get sleeping bag out from under bed, and sort out futon in back bedroom and grab my clothes.  Extremely annoyed!!

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