January Catch Up 3 - the car goes to Devon

Fri 22nd.  I shouldn't have had that kebab last night! It laid heavily on my stomach all night.Got up at 6.30 and had shower then took dog out.  Made breakfast and cleared away, dressed Mike's back and packed the new car.  Ready to go at 8.55-to avoid parking charges.  Couldn't get audible to play through bluetooth so listened on headphones.   Satnav said no maps found.  Screamed in frustration!  Then enjoyed three and a half hours drive to Bovey.  New car absolutely lovely.  Sat at 70 on cruise control most of the way.   Someone rang me while I was driving and I was able to answer the phone through the bluetooth which was great.  I also have something called Emergency Assist when my phone is connected – if I have a crash my phone will automatically contact the emergency services!  Wet and dirty weather so car a mess when we arrived!  By the time I got to Bovey sun was shining and it was quite warm - 14 degrees.  Apparently torrential rain in the morning.  Had a couple of crumpets and a cup of tea then took Suki to plantation for an hour - incredibly muddy.  Then cleared leaves from front door area.  Then went into town for 4 pm hair appointment.  Had fringe trim - great relief as had been affecting my eyes.  Got flying pig voucher for Jayne and mooched around charity shops - buying myself a pink handbag. The post office has now moved to the Spar – and the Spar has had a bit of a makeover and now sell hot pies!  The selection of greetings cards, envelopes and other post office paraphernalia is much depleted although I did manage to get a jiffy bag there. It also means that I can no longer take Suki in to the post office (where she used to get a treat from behind the counter) and as the post box has also closed I can't even post a parcel with Suki in tow now. Got a pastie for supper  (and also had a few quality street ). Nothing on TV so wrote a letter to Jayne,  read a book and had foot soak and clipped nails.  At the same time sorted out satnav by updating again.  Took 5 hours!  So much for my early night.  Problems with Internet access afterwards but at least satnav now seems to be ok.  Got to bed at 11!

Sat 23rd.  Didn't really sleep very well but was comfortable all night and at least I didn't have a muggy head in the morning because I was able to have the window open all night.  Got up at 7.30 and had a tidy round before having porridge and tea.  Took suki to Parke from the house then went to Arnolds and bought a shredder. Also got yet another pasty from the farmer's market which I had for lunch.  Went back to town in the afternoon and took bracelet in to Ian (the jeweller) to get Bell charms put on (Christmas present from Carolyn).  Went to see Mary in the afternoon then came back and had shower and got ready for ringers social at the Dolphin.  Was last to get there because waiting for washing machine.  Had lovely meal and sat with tower captain from Highweek and his wife.  Barry gave me envelope from Christmas Club and it only contained  £17.50! Something of a surprise considering I had been saving  £10 per week.  Full set of accounts too with no mention of my savings.  I queried it with him and he said it was in another envelope  (after looking a bit nonplussed! )!  I had battered brie followed by rump steak and then bananoffee cheesecake.  It was really good and the service was good too.  However as I was walking home afterwards I felt as if I was going to be sick – and I had to put some effort into not being sick.  Some of the others were also ill the following day although we didn’t have anything in common to eat.  I think in my case it was either that I simply ate too much, or that the battered brie was too rich and oily (I thought it was going to be breaded – the batter was a bit much, like having a battered mars bar - I imagine). 

Sun 24th.  Didn't sleep well again but got up later than intended.  Took suki for quick walk then 8 am at Chudleigh.  Barry gave me the  £450 at ringing - he didn't ring as hors du combat.  Only 5 of us at ringing. Went back to bed for an hour. Then Jayne skyped me so we struggled with that for a while. Cooked all the veg stir fry - made 3 portions and had one  for lunch.  Suki and I went out for a long walk - did the long bovey valley woods walk.  Car park very full when we arrived but by 5 pm nearly empty. Practiced Lincolnshire Royal then watched tv.  Sorted out cross stitch for Amanda's baby.  Ended up going to bed at 11 because watched Endeavour on itv +1. Had 4 pieces of toast for supper.

Mon 25th.  Took Suki to plantation - extremely muddy.  Handbells at lunchtime - Lincolnshire Royal. Managed a plain course by the end.  Took Suki to Parke in the afternoon and then on to see Mary.  Cooked lentil bolognaise when I got back.  Then went ringing.  Only 7 of us and we spent most of the practice doing plain hunt.  Even Austin had a go.  Went to pub afterwards with Bob and Barry - possibly one too many whiskies as definitely wobbly on the way home!

Tues 26th.  Slept in until 8 am.  Felt slightly unwell,  unsurprisingly! Boiler sprang a leak.  Stuart the plumber came to have a look and found leaky valve.  Under warranty but decided to pay to have Stuart fix it tomorrow after getting replacement part.  Lee and Emma and dogs came over - arrived about 11.  We had a burger from the freezer for lunch.  After Stuart left we went for a long walk from the house to Parke.  We were out for over 2 hours even though weather absolutely atrocious.  Got fish and chips from Heathfield and they left about 6.30.  Watched TV in the evening and started cross stitch card for Amanda's baby.  Went to bed at 10 with hot drink - still very wet and windy outside.  Luckily reasonably mild as no heating until boiler fixed.  Couldn't find my TV glasses after they had gone - my old Karen Millen ones which I keep by the sofa.

Wed 27th.  A good night's sleep with enjoyable moments of wakefulness when warm and cosy with cool breeze on my face.  Still wet and windy in the morning. Obviously unable to have a shower.  Searched high and low again for missing TV specs but still unable to find them - missing since Monday.  Got up late again.  Suki off food and reluctant to walk so ended up doing the round the block walk.  Then went to Trago and got more shoes for Bethany and a duvet and pillows with my Christmas Club money.  Decided to get goose down and feather rather than splash out hundreds of pounds on goose down.  Caught up on email admin - plugged laptop directly into router.  Can't set it back to factory settings until I have program disks here which I think is the only way to get the wi fi working again.  Stuart came about 3 and fixed the boiler.  Lovely to have heating again.  £150 poorer!   Took Suki to plantation in the afternoon then did cross stitch in the evening and watched several episodes of dragons den on the iPlayer with the chromecast.  It was working well today - when it does it is quite amazing and easy to forget I'm not watching live TV.  Went to bed latish - 10.40 with hot drink. 

And that is where the diary back up ends!

Enjoyed the rest of my week in Devon despite appalling weather (as did Suki as you can see) - took photos of the car in various favourite places and of course on the drive.  I even washed it and it positively gleamed.  I got the bluetooth working for the audio on the way home and was able to listen to The Archers and my audio book without using headphones at last.  I picked up my bracelet from the jeweller just before leaving -it is now looking really nice with five bells plus the "Dad" and angel charms made from the gold of a necklace Dad had given me.

The car arrives in Devon

Gleaming on the drive

At Parke

On HayTor

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