January Catch Up 1 - New Year
I had a back up for this month from the diary - it ended on 27th January so catch-ups will be a lot shorter with a lot less detail after this! Hooray do I hear you say??
New Year's Day
Sat 2nd Jan Took Suki to Gunnersbury park for a
change. Started to rain again. All the house and surrounds were closed off, including the lake, and scaffolding up. Going to be museum and
activity centre. Went over to Leanne's
in the afternoon by tube to Kennington.
Admired her flat then walked to Argos to buy tv and sound bar. Struggled back with them in the rain! Then spent a happy hour or so setting it all
up. Afterwards we went to Nandos at
Elephant and Castle and had a lovely meal.
Was home by 7 and watched And Then There Were None on iplayer.
New Year's Day
Stepped on scales
this morning with fear and trepidation and found I hadn't put on any weight over the Christmas break. Overjoyed. Made a great start to the year. Several resolutions made - one of which is to have lost weight by the time Jayne comes home in April. (Some of which never got off the ground and all of which except that one didn't last very long!)
Went walking with Maryanne, Mary and Steve on a walk from their (very old) walk book which started at St Peter's Wootton. Very very muddy especially in gateways. Two dogs latched on to us for miles and we
didn't know how to get rid of them - I kept swearing at them and shouting but that didn't seem to work! Then
just before we got to the pub, one of them got stuck in a field and started yelping because it couldn't get to us and the other dog, and I felt
sorry for it. I tried to ring the farm from the pub but I couldn't find a number and there was no phone signal anyway. I meant to ring RSPCA when I got in but forgot - however later I entered the details on their web site page for lost and found animals. Both dogs had both gone when we went back. Pub was nice - food was adequate. Nothing special although it was well
presented and quite expensive. I had
steak baguette. There was a plaque on the wall outside to a bellhanger who had lived and worked there.

It was raining when we
left the pub for the shortish walk back to the car. Got home about 5.30 and put all the Devon stuff away then had quick shower and went over to Barnes on the bus. Very good journey - buses arrived quickly and
hardly any traffic. Mike already there
having been out all afternoon in deepest Surrey ringing QPs. The ringing was dire all evening! Went to Red Lion and had nice soup. Heavy rain when we left at 10.45.

Sun 3rd Jan As
expected after over indulgence, weight slightly up this morning - but pleased with anything that is below where I was. Got up early enough to have shower and take
Suki to Acton park. New lady curate took
8 am service - and we had The Peace - I hope that's not going to become a feature. Martin Crick came to ringing, after a long absence with a foot injury, which
was a nice surprise. Went to Alperton
Sainsbury after ringing and did a huge shop - over £200. Took a lot of carrying to get it in the
house. Sorted out the freezer to make
room for stuff. Then reorganised cupboard to separate Lorraine's stuff from
mine - put mine in the box which means Mike can now reach it all. In the afternoon did admin and S&W
accounts which seemed to go ok. Watched final part of the Agatha Christie in
the evening.
Mon 4th Jan Wore odd socks
today. Is this another sign of the
beginning of the end? ? Tried out supervised gym this morning. Turned out to be just a turn up at the gym
session. Had induction on the machines -
personal trainer Adil assured me he had taught his father to use the running
machine so I would get it eventually! Feel old!! Did 15 mins cycling to finish.
Went to Morrisons to complain about Keith's vouchers not working online even though I had been in to the store to check beforehand - not much of a result but
did get an apology. Had stir fry and low calorie
pulled pork dish for lunch which was delicious.
Sent off S&W accounts to the auditor.
Caught up with email admin. Went
ringing at Chiswick - rang a lot as only 8 of us. Had 2 coffees in pub - trying to have a couple
of alcohol free days a week. (That's a resolution that didn't last very long!)
Tues 5th Jan Went to Forever Fit class but no
Linda (the instructor). Adil took us - loud pounding musak (not what we are used to at all) and
just did weights etc . Nothing aerobic but still felt good. Glad I had taken my own weights. Zumba afterwards was fast and fun. Then went in to gym to do a few minutes
acclimatisation on running machine.
Angela, one of the ladies from the fitness class, was there and she showed me some stuff and gave me confidence. Decided just to hold on all the time. Felt dizzy when I got off so will have to
watch that. Did ironing and watched
episode 1 of new silent witness. Took
suki out. Did puzzles (in the Killer Sudoku book my brother had given me) and then prepared
kebabs for supper. Practised some
handbells. Mike came in and needed complete change of clothes and catheter
before dashing back out to choir. No one
claimed the tea towels we acquired after Christmas party! Watched second part of silent witness until
Lorraine came in - then turned it off and chatted to her until bedtime. Second consecutive alcohol free day (see above!) .
Wed 6th Jan Got up early to get mike off to work then
had shower and took dog out. There were
daffodils flowering in the park. Did some emails and then went over to Keith's
early - got there just before 11. Took computer to EE shop in Barnet. Found the shopping centre car park which was
very handy for all shops and KFC! Spent nearly an hour buying new "dongle
" - had to set it up with DD on my account - at least it means I am the account holder and will be able to deal with them on the phone. Got a good deal - quite impressed with it
myself. Got him some oxtail in waitrose
and then some KFC then took everything back and got computer up and running
with Internet and did sainsbury shop online for him. Also set him up on Amazon. He was well pleased with the Quorum EDT
spray I had ordered for him previously. Nearly 2 when I left. Got home about 3 and just missed Svetla. Grabbed a tuna wrap then took suki out for longish
walk. Practiced on Abel for a bit then had jacket potato and cheese with a beer
and watched end of silent witness then new series of Endeavour. Cleared up around 9 and went to bed with book
Thurs 7th Jan Went to Zumba gold (ie Zumba for old people!). Then 15 mins brisk walk on treadmill. Made me
feel very wobbly but held on. Mike went
to work. Had Dahl lentil soup and
crumpets for lunch. Chatted to Malc for
a while on the phone - well mainly he did the chatting.
Spilt black coffee all over my desk and keyboard. Some dripped on my new slippers. The keyboard stopped working - unsurprisingly. Man came to service stairlift. Went to Guy's and rang peal of Lincolnshire. Quite pleased with the way I rang. Got in around 9.45 and went straight to bed
with hot drink and whisky and read book (There you go - 3 days!).
Fri 8th Jan Good night's sleep. Mike received fixed
penalty notice for speeding at lattiford - the van I had noticed when I thought
I was not in a 30 zone on the way home from Templecombe on New Year's Eve. I was driving so will
need to send form back. Felt very
miserable and depressed about it because I am so careful to observe speed
limits and am often holding everyone else up!
Will probably opt for the speed awareness course option. Went to gym early and did 30 mins on
treadmill at 6kph - so 3k - then tried the bike but it was harder work than
before probably because of treadmill action. So
just did 10 mins. Then went to Forever Fit class. Went to Barnes with Mike in the evening and
finished my book while they rang the QP. Dead Man's Grip by Peter James (paperback ). Pretty crappy practice but well
attended. Went to pub afterwards with
Francis, Hugo, Adrian and Helen. Had soup
again but this time it wasn't very nice - main ingredient was sprouts! Bread pieces small and dry too. Got home just before 11.
Sat 9th Jan Got up quite early and had shower and
produced paperwork for ADM. Mike had a
shower too then went off to Barnes. I
took suki on longish walk through Wendell to Ravenscourt and back along the
askew road. Mike and I both went to Pinner in
the afternoon for the ADM. Lucky with
finding a parking space. James carried
mike up the tower. I had a ring - nice touch of
stedman. Service tea and meeting all
quite quick. Nice tea. Mike elected secretary! Collected lots of subs. Won doggy mug and face mask in raffle. Home
by 7.30 and shared two of mike's speciality beers. Watched 2 episodes of Broadchurch.
Sun 10th Jan Got up early to have shower then walked suki to Wendell. Have found the gates are being opened a bit
earlier this winter so was able to get in before 7. Went to 8 am service - mike was
playing organ at convent. Monica and I
tried out new café and I was delighted with cheese toastie which was thin and
tasty. Did the usual circuit then home to finish off restoring netbook to
factory settings and installing AVG for Leanne.
Sent it over with Lorraine. Also the Morrisons vouchers - which she can use as she shops there regularly. Leanne very pleased
with both and sent nice thank you message.
Helped mike get out on his bike and then made myself a cheese sandwich
and did the finance from yesterday's ADM. Went
church sitting in the afternoon - took my laptop but forgot my phone. Very difficult staying awake! Did some practice on Abel and played some
games. In the evening finished off the
finance - by which time it was 7.30.
Watched Dragons Den and then we had veg faitas (made by Lorraine ) and
rice for supper . Shared a different two beers and I finished off with some red
Mon 11th Jan Got up at 7.40 - deferred shower. Had breakfast and walked suki in Acton
park. Car booked in for service and MOT
- supposed to be collected between 8 and 12.
Finally turned up at 1! Cooked big pan of green lentils - 4 pots to
freeze. Used remainder to make mujendra
- used up frozen peppers and onions and made inroads into old tub of madras
curry paste. Also roasted butternut
squash pieces which should have been used by 3rd! Made an interesting mix for lunch! ! 4 pots
of mujendra left over for freezing.
Added recipe to app - 215 calories per serving which is good. Reviewed all Christmas cards and put them in
recycling. Updated diary and copied to OneNote to prepare for blog
updating (which is where this all comes from - note good intentions!). Mike went early to Chiswick to
start teaching Antonio - who is learning for his Duke of Edinburgh award so us cynics like me and Monica reckon he will disappear as soon as he has earned the tick. I made up sofa
bed for Lorraine because Amanda and Sam coming and they will be using her room. Did ironing. Had a shower.
Went to Chiswick at 8 (after QP
). Took some damart socks for refugees (which were still there 2 months later so I retrieved them).
Sat in car for a while as QP overran.
Rang a couple of times usefully.
Went straight home at 9. Had glass of wine and watched Endeavour. Amanda and Sam arrived at 9.30. Lovely to see
them. We had a drink and a chat in the
kitchen then all went to bed at 10.30.
Tues 12th Jan Amanda and Sam went off early to Melton
Mowbray to look at properties for rent. I took Suki to Acton park and then went to Forever Fit followed by Zumba. Seemed like hard work today. Used my weights in the fitness class. Got pasta arrabiatta on the way back for
lunch. Practised on Abel and did more
admin. Took Suki to Southfields in the
afternoon. Gave in and renewed
subscription to web user with one issue to go. Amanda sent
photos of nice property they had found. Had Cumberland
pie for supper and used up frozen roasted Mediterranean vegetables followed by
choc puddings which had been in freezer for a long time. Watched TV in the evening with glass of wine
and went to bed early.
Wed 13th Jan Went to see Keith. Just a few errands in the village which was
rather nice. Also sorted out his computer - minor problems with bookmarks etc. Scored peal of Yorkshire major in hand in the evening called
by James at Mark's house. I was pleased
with my ringing - not one trip just a couple of minor blips. Got doner meat and salad with wrap on the
side from Lara. Mike came in from
successful peal of 41 minor at Clapham and shared food with me. Lorraine had first part of the exam. She was pleased with the way it went. Amanda and Sam had gone to bed.
Thur 14th Jan Mike went to work but an hour later than
usual. Had a nice chat with Amanda. Went
to Zumba Gold but came straight back afterwards. Got myself soup and roll for lunch. Amanda and Sam went off to see Carolyn and
stay over with her. I had shower and
went to hygienist - new one who persuaded me to suffer the water boarding
treatment! Stocked up on supplies so
spent nearly £200 again. Chatted to Malc on the way home. Bitterly cold today. Went to Guy's in the evening - failed to ring
peal of Rutland with Robert calling - mainly because I was hopeless.