The new year begins

Resolved not to make any New Year resolutions!

On New Year's Day we went home - via Somerset and a couple of QPs for Mike at North Cheriton and Maperton with lunch in between at The Old Inn at Holton.  We arrived in time for the service at North Cheriton, but after the first hymn it was clear Suki was not going to settle so I took her outside again and left Mike to it.  The weather was appalling all day - rained the whole time although sometimes eased up a bit.  After the service Jay and I went to the pub for a coffee.  The serving staff were very nice but the landlady was very offhand and not a bit welcoming or friendly - at any time!  After lunch I walked from Holton to Maperton with Suki, despite the weather, and made good use of my mapping software again to find the correct path this time (I had failed to find it with a map previously).  I heard them start the QP again when I arrived at the church so I knew I was in for a long wait so peeled my wet things off and sat in the car.  We got home about 6 pm and it was lovely to find Sam and Amanda and children there - Sam helped me empty the car which was very welcome.

The Monday was a bank holiday.  Mike went off to ring QPs all day in the Crayford / Woolwich area and Suki and I went off for a walk with Maryanne, Mary and Steve.  I had organised for us to do the Bledlow Ridge walk again and had permission to park in the car park of The Boot Inn even though they were closed.  We had beautiful weather - cold, clear and sunny - and it was a lovely walk with even better views than before because of the crystal clear conditions.  It took us 3 hours.  Afterwards we went for lunch at The Crown in Radnage where we were joined by Monica.  It was rather crowded - they had crammed in a lot more tables - but the meal was good and very reasonable at £21 each for two courses, drinks and coffee.

We settled into the routine of life thereafter and 2017 was soon well underway.  Sam went back to Majorca on 4th Jan and started his new job out there on 9th Jan.  Amanda took him to the airport and called in to see Keith on the way back while I was there.  He was delighted to see them and it was nice to see another generation on the famous triangular lawn!

 Mike and I got used to having children around - Bethany is in to everything and Harrison has his moments (particularly at 4 am!).  But it is noisy and lively and fun and I am making the most of having them here.

I seemed to be too busy to go to fitness class until 10th Jan - and then found that the app was trying to charge me when I tried to book.  After much phoning and emailing I discovered that they had set me up on the system incorrectly for my membership to renew from July instead of Jan!  Got that sorted eventually.

Carolyn returned the Tesco gift card I had given her for Christmas as there was no money on it.  I found that the gift card receipt had a different card number on it and was for Currys!  They couldn't do anything at the store because they only keep till records for 4 weeks, and I had purchased it on 2 Dec.  Without much hope I rang Tesco head office customer service and found they were extrememly helpful.  It has been referred to the gift card fraud "squad" and they have kept me up to date on a daily basis.  Last I heard they have contacted the store and they are going to look at the transactions for that date and review the CCTV!!

It was the Annual District Meeting of the Middlesex Ringers and I organised the raffle as it looked as if there wasn't going to be one otherwise.  It raised £72.  I went over to Fulham for the service and meeting only.  I collected in nearly all the subs too - so was able to bank that and update the database nice and early.

I managed to get locked in Acton Park.  I was late going out as I had been to ToysRUs with Amanda and we had encountered a lot of traffic (and heavy rain) on the way back, and I needed to do a short walk with suki so that I could get to Chiswick for the QP as I was replacing Gill T who was affected by the tube strike.  I didn't have time to go to Southfields so I popped in to Acton Park because the gates were still open.  However within minutes all the gates were locked.  I saw several people in the same predicament - but assume they must have climbed over to get out.  I couldn't do that so I phoned the out of hours number for the council.  They said it might be several hours before someone would come, although they would ask for as soon as possible.  I rang Mike  - who was clearly much more concerned that the QP plans would be scuppered than he was about my situation.  Then I rang Amanda and she came in the car with the stepladders (and children!) and she helped me get suki over the gate and then climb over myself.  Phew!  Apparently Bethany was beside herself with excitement when told they were going to rescue Aunty Jill!

Mike and I had a handbell session of surprise minor with Caroline - didn't score anything but had an enjoyable couple of hours ringing Cambridge 6 and Lightfoot 6.  I rang a successful peal of Yorkshire on 5-6 with James, Robert and Tricia, and had a good session on Cambridge Royal with Steve etc.  We tried a new composition and rang for a good hour before it fell apart.  We then swapped bells for a while and Margaret rang inside and then the tenors.  Apparently she had been ringing 3-4 for several attempts that week down in Sussex!  I was really pleased that she agreed to ring 3-4 for future attempts and would let me ring the trebles.  I feel so much happier with that and hopefully it will make for better success.

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