The end of the year

I was scheduled to ring handbells every morning for the remainder of the week once the bank holidays were out of the way.  I had thought of dropping out but in the end decided to go for it.  New Year's resolution - ensure Tim knows I only want to ring once or twice a week!

Wed 28th -beautifully clear, crisp and very cold morning.  Scraping ice off the car.  Mike dropped me off at Tim's and then took Suki for a walk - the obelisk one again.  I got a lift with Tim and Sue over to David's.  Andrew joined us and we had a couple of attempts at a peal of Cambridge Royal.  I was much better than before and began to see more of it.  The first attempt ground to a halt after about 40 mins and then the second one went for longer and had really settled down when it was realised that 3-4 had been round the wrong way for a long time! So we stopped.  We then rang a QP of it and had a cup of tea.  I caught the bus back, which was a nice adventure.  Tom was in the garden when I got back and he found a spare slab and fixed the broken bit of the path so it now looks even nicer.

We had another couple of goes at the 41 minor with Tim without success, although we did score another QP of the 23xspliced, and I also rang some London Major and a QP of 8xspliced with Tim, David and Sue Sawyer on Saturday morning while Mike went off to Lustleigh with Bob and some top notch call change ringers to ring Julie McDonald Doubles as call changes.  Bob lost a page of calls and Mike had to take over midway and call it by place notation!

We had Mary back to the house a couple of times more for coffee,  Mike finished another 1000 page jigsaw - a fiendish one which Jayne had given him for Christmas.

I started updating WinRk with our 2016 ringing records - and then my laptop got the blue screen of death and died.  I was really annoyed as I had only bought it in March, admittedly it was a refurbished one from Morgan Computers but it cost over £300.  A shame as I really liked that one with its i7 processor and solid state drive.

As usual we did not stay up for the New Year but had an early night ready for departure the next day.

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