Back and Forth!
I had to pick Mike up from Intrepid on the way back on the Bank Holiday Monday. He estimated he would be at Saltford at 10 am - so I arrived there at 9.45 am which meant a very early start. However the boat got held up at Keynsham locks for a long time - which was just as well as it gave me lots of time to research where would be best for him to get off the boat. I had thought that the Riverside Inn would be good as it was next to a lock and a marina, but the lock turned out to be on the other side of the river and there was a boat on the one pub mooring - the rest of the bank being private moorings and access. I walked about a bit trying to find a suitable mooring point - slipping and falling at one point in the mud and forcing mud between my toes and up my toenails and gouged a 'V' in my big toenail, as I was wearing sandals. I eventually drove to the next lock by The Jolly Sailor which was much more accessible. The lock was right next to the pub garden. It was a nice pub and I had an Americano and a piece of homemade fruit cake which was apparently made by a customer who used to have her own cake shop but was now retired. Phill joined me later in the pub garden and I had another Americano! The boat finally arrived about noon and Mike was carried on to shore by Simon and we packed the car and set off. We gave Helen a lift in to Bath, and it was useful to have her navigate us. We got back about 3 pm and after unpacking the car I took Suki for a quick walk in Wendell and then unpacked all the cases and put everything away before collapsing in a chair! I had brought some pasties back which we had for supper - nice and easy - and Mike had a much needed shower!
The next day I treated myself to a pedicure and manicure as my feet were in such a state after a week on Intrepid and then falling in the mud. It felt so much better afterwards. I had a productive day and did all my email admin, paperwork, washing and ironing. I was very pleased with how the garden was doing. Lee had tidied it up and mown the lawn so it was looking at its best, and the roses were really blooming. I was also pleased to see lots of flowers on one of the Clematis I had planted last year.
The new bed cover I had purchased looked good on the bed, and I got rid of all the cushions and old turkish cover which had been on it previously (they had had their day!) which will make it easier to make in the mornings.
The next day it was back to Devon again!! I had committed to helping out at the Guild handbell afternoon at the weekend, and had also originally intended to participate in the Deanery Striking Competition although in the end Bovey did not enter a team. However I was able to ring for a wedding at Highweek for which Bob was grateful as the competition had taken lots of local ringers and he was short. I had another good week, and managed not to indulge in any retail therapy at all - although I did finally order the carpets from a local fitter who was about £1000 cheaper than the original shop which had had such an appalling attitude, and also engage the tree surgeons to prune the magnolia and the hedges.
I went to handbells on Thursday evening - I had offered to pick up Joyce, but when I got there she advised that Doreen was coming too so I had to quickly dismantle the dog cage and put the back seats up in the car. I drove us to Ann's and then Ann drove to Moretonhampstead. It was another good evening - I wasn't sure at first because I was stuck on two bells while Zoe rang the bottom bells and Barbara's husband had a go at the bells between us, but eventually Zoe went back up the top and I ended up ringing all the bottom bells by malletting them, which was great fun.
I did quite a bit of cross stitch during the week, which was nice and relaxing, and also had some nice walks with Suki. Jayne came with me sometimes, and on Saturday we explored the path from Chudleigh Knighton and the heath. We discovered something called the
Ant Trail, which is a 2 mile circular walk. We started off along this, but then decided to walk round the heath, discovering ponds at the far end and working out how it all fitted together with the footpath signs we had seen. Unfortunately I had my sandals on rather than my boots, so I had to watch where I was putting my feet particularly when we were on the boggy bits of the heath. We picked the Ant Trail up again at the top of the heath It was a really nice walk and I was sorry I had not thought to log it on my phone. I am looking forward to doing it again - with boots on!
I rang more handbells with Tim than I was intending to do! He discovered I was down and booked me in for a lunchtime session on the Friday. I was horribly delayed by traffic - the A 38 was slow and came to a standstill on the other side of Haldon Hill, so I dived off on to the A379 and then followed the satnav which seemed to take me all round the houses. However I got there with just enough time to go for QP before Sue had to get back to work - and we knocked off a QP of Yorkshire Royal so it was worth the effort and hassle of getting there.
The weather was pretty awful - it rained so heavily all day on Monday, with high winds, that I did not go to bellringing practice (and as we didn't hear any bells ringing I guess the others had the same idea). On Sunday morning it was raining heavily but Jayne still decided to go out and plant the pots in the rain to get them done! She had painted a couple of them pink which looked really nice.
I went over to Dawlish in the afternoon for the Guild handbell event, hosted by Lynne at her house. I enjoyed this more than I was expecting. All the learners had rung at least one QP in hand before and the afternoon was divided up into groups in various rooms each attempting QPs - some of which were got and all of which were worthwhile practice for someone. I scored two QPs - one of Plain Bob Major and my first of Little Bob Major in hand.
Jayne and I spent several hours moving furniture around trying to see where it was going to go when the carpets were down. We rearranged the lounge several ways but ended up with it more or less how it was before - just with the dresser removed which made a big difference. We tried the dresser in the hall - Jayne liked it but I found it inconvenient not to have a table to put things on when I came in. I agreed it did look nice though. We discovered one evening that Suki looked somewhat uncomfortable in her bed in the new location under the nest of tables, but was very happy when we put it on the end of the sofa for her!!
On Tuesday the tree surgeons came. I left them to it and went for a walk in Parke with Suki before driving back to London (with more pasties!). Jayne sent me photos later - the poor old magnolia looks completely shorn but they assured us it would grow again and at least it will be a bit smaller. The hedge will also be a lot more manageable now. They advised against removing the hedge growing from the raised flower bed, and Jayne and I agreed that we would remove the flower bed and extend the patio instead and put pots around.
Intrepid approaching Saltford Lock - Phill is manning the far lock gate
The next day I treated myself to a pedicure and manicure as my feet were in such a state after a week on Intrepid and then falling in the mud. It felt so much better afterwards. I had a productive day and did all my email admin, paperwork, washing and ironing. I was very pleased with how the garden was doing. Lee had tidied it up and mown the lawn so it was looking at its best, and the roses were really blooming. I was also pleased to see lots of flowers on one of the Clematis I had planted last year.
The new bed cover I had purchased looked good on the bed, and I got rid of all the cushions and old turkish cover which had been on it previously (they had had their day!) which will make it easier to make in the mornings.
The next day it was back to Devon again!! I had committed to helping out at the Guild handbell afternoon at the weekend, and had also originally intended to participate in the Deanery Striking Competition although in the end Bovey did not enter a team. However I was able to ring for a wedding at Highweek for which Bob was grateful as the competition had taken lots of local ringers and he was short. I had another good week, and managed not to indulge in any retail therapy at all - although I did finally order the carpets from a local fitter who was about £1000 cheaper than the original shop which had had such an appalling attitude, and also engage the tree surgeons to prune the magnolia and the hedges.
I went to handbells on Thursday evening - I had offered to pick up Joyce, but when I got there she advised that Doreen was coming too so I had to quickly dismantle the dog cage and put the back seats up in the car. I drove us to Ann's and then Ann drove to Moretonhampstead. It was another good evening - I wasn't sure at first because I was stuck on two bells while Zoe rang the bottom bells and Barbara's husband had a go at the bells between us, but eventually Zoe went back up the top and I ended up ringing all the bottom bells by malletting them, which was great fun.

Ant Trail, which is a 2 mile circular walk. We started off along this, but then decided to walk round the heath, discovering ponds at the far end and working out how it all fitted together with the footpath signs we had seen. Unfortunately I had my sandals on rather than my boots, so I had to watch where I was putting my feet particularly when we were on the boggy bits of the heath. We picked the Ant Trail up again at the top of the heath It was a really nice walk and I was sorry I had not thought to log it on my phone. I am looking forward to doing it again - with boots on!
I rang more handbells with Tim than I was intending to do! He discovered I was down and booked me in for a lunchtime session on the Friday. I was horribly delayed by traffic - the A 38 was slow and came to a standstill on the other side of Haldon Hill, so I dived off on to the A379 and then followed the satnav which seemed to take me all round the houses. However I got there with just enough time to go for QP before Sue had to get back to work - and we knocked off a QP of Yorkshire Royal so it was worth the effort and hassle of getting there.
The weather was pretty awful - it rained so heavily all day on Monday, with high winds, that I did not go to bellringing practice (and as we didn't hear any bells ringing I guess the others had the same idea). On Sunday morning it was raining heavily but Jayne still decided to go out and plant the pots in the rain to get them done! She had painted a couple of them pink which looked really nice.
I went over to Dawlish in the afternoon for the Guild handbell event, hosted by Lynne at her house. I enjoyed this more than I was expecting. All the learners had rung at least one QP in hand before and the afternoon was divided up into groups in various rooms each attempting QPs - some of which were got and all of which were worthwhile practice for someone. I scored two QPs - one of Plain Bob Major and my first of Little Bob Major in hand.
The participants: Front Row: Kathy, me, Tim, Nigel, Back row Ian, Lizzie, Sarah, Lynne, James, Nellie, Peter
Jayne and I spent several hours moving furniture around trying to see where it was going to go when the carpets were down. We rearranged the lounge several ways but ended up with it more or less how it was before - just with the dresser removed which made a big difference. We tried the dresser in the hall - Jayne liked it but I found it inconvenient not to have a table to put things on when I came in. I agreed it did look nice though. We discovered one evening that Suki looked somewhat uncomfortable in her bed in the new location under the nest of tables, but was very happy when we put it on the end of the sofa for her!!
On Tuesday the tree surgeons came. I left them to it and went for a walk in Parke with Suki before driving back to London (with more pasties!). Jayne sent me photos later - the poor old magnolia looks completely shorn but they assured us it would grow again and at least it will be a bit smaller. The hedge will also be a lot more manageable now. They advised against removing the hedge growing from the raised flower bed, and Jayne and I agreed that we would remove the flower bed and extend the patio instead and put pots around.