Back in London for a week!

Wed 7th - Harrison's birthday.   I took Suki for a walk in Wendell Park and noticed the Polling Station signs outside Wendell School.  I then had a complete senior moment and rushed off to Southfields School to vote.  I couldn't see any signs, or find any way in, so I thought the polling station must have moved and I went to the hairdressers to make enquiries.  They pointed out that the election was the next day!  I had my fringe cut while I was there and Suki was very good and sat quietly next to me the whole time.

Thurs 8th.  Went out early to vote with Suki - who was eventually let in to the polling station because she was making so much noise tied up outside! Had a quiet day otherwise.  Mike went to work and then to Fulham to ring in QP of Stedman Caters for Eddie's birthday.  Apparently a struggle, with many starts, but eventually scored.

Fri 9th.    Rang handbells with Steve and team in the morning.  Very disappointed with the outcome.  I was feeling confident and happy that I would be able to ring Cambridge Royal solidly whatever went on around me after all the practice with the attempts at spliced in Devon, and with Graham Firman in the band I thought that this would provide an extra safe pair of hands to keep everyone on track.  We failed to ring the peal twice and both times it seemed that I had gone astray as it fell apart - which was annoying and upsetting as I had been so sure I was right!  We then rang a QP of Cambridge Royal using part of the composition which was some consolation.  In the evening I rang in the QP at Barnes which was Bristol for Eddie's birthday.  Quite a nice one for a change. Mike and I shared fish and chips at the Red Lion.

I had quite a quiet weekend.  Mike was out for most of it, and I caught up with all my paperwork and other admin and did some cross stitch.  I also spent some time putting all my music on Google Music and creating a playlist of everything I liked.  It ended up having 600 songs on it and I then enjoyed listening to them.  I also created a classical playlist.  Mike spent Saturday going to the District Meeting in the morning, and then to Kent in the afternoon/evening to ring a couple of quarter peals with Chris Cooper - Kent Royal at Leeds and London Minor at Broomfield.  Then on Sunday he rang a QP at Barnes then had lunch at the Red Lion with Monica before they both went off to Streatham for a concert of Flanders and Swan songs by Tony Nunn.  When Mike got back we went up to the  new Chapati Club which had opened on the Vale and shared a meal!  It was very good and cheap - and was reasonably full too. Good to know that is on our doorstep - and open on a Sunday!

Mon 12th.  Went walking with Maryanne.  We did the Rotherfield Greys walk again to recce it ready for her to lead it on Wednesday with the Ramblers.  It was a lovely day.  I wore my new boots and they were very comfortable.  We had a lovely lunch in the Maltsers Arms afterwards - both having a lamb sandwich. Suki was a bit off colour, although she had managed the walk ok, and was not interested in the chips which is most unusual.

Tues 13th.  Vets and Dentist/Hygienist appointment in the morning.  Vet receptionist looked after Suki while I went to the dentist - apparently she was very good and sat on the receptionist's foot the whole time.  Jayne sent me photos of voiles now up at the window, and carpet now down on the floor in Devon!  Hurray.  Just all the stuff piled up in the bedroom and garage to sort out now!!

Wed 14th.  Went for supper with Pru and Caroline.  I booked a table at Pizza Express on London Bridge - which was quite difficult to find but eventually the 3 of us ended up there.  I was delayed by gridlock at Shepherd's Bush caused by Grenfell Tower fire.  Persuaded the bus driver to let us off at Bloemfontein Road where we were stuck and walked to Shepherds Bush station from there.  Seemed trivial inconvenience compared to the horror those poor people had gone through.  My worst nightmare (ever since seeing Towering Inferno!). The food at Pizza Express was lovely, and I had some clubcard vouchers so we had a £40 discount.

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