London again - Crem and barbecues

Mike was out at work, and in the evening, when I got back from Devon, so I was able to have a quiet night in and chill out.  I composed an email to Victoria (Devon Blinds) and then slept on it before sending it the next morning with a few amendments.  I got a hysterical reply asking me why I was attacking her and stating she was very upset.  Clearly neurotic! Jayne rang her the following week and she said she was on holiday until 19th July!

The rest of June passed agreeably in London.  It was actually nice to get back here to relative peace and calm.  I made a last minute decision to go to the Fitness class on Friday 23rd, having not been for a couple of months.  The instructor thought I had given up!  I couldn't go again for the rest of the month although I did try the dance fitness class on a Monday for the first time and found it a good one so I have added that to my portfolio! I had put on yet more weight while in Devon so decided I needed to do more exercise as well as cut down on treats.  For a couple of days I jogged on the spot whenever Suki stopped to sniff - which really improved my daily step rate.  I felt a bit of a nerd though.

I was very brave and knocked next door to ask for help getting the large box containing my new chair out of the car and into the house.  Rachel's dad helped me.  I then took it upstairs in pieces and assembled it with Mike's assistance.  It is wonderful.  It fits the space well (although a bit more snug than the old one) and it is very comfortable.  I am really pleased with it - and Suki seems happy sleeping on it at night after initially being very suspicious of it and unable to settle.

It was the National 12-bell competition at Southwark on 24th.  Mike went up to it after helping out at Barnes - he enjoys all that networking with ringers!  I found the YouTube link and listened to the live stream all day.  I actually found it quite enjoyable which surprised me.  I had it on while I made the beds and pottered around, and then I sat and cross stitched (in my new chair - reclined) with it on.  We had to go over to Alton in the evening for Andy and Judy's 10th wedding anniversary barbecue - I picked Mike up at the tube station and we were able to listen to it all the way there, and just got to hear the results before we arrived.

The barbecue was ok -we stayed in the garden the whole evening although the weather was somewhat inclement and towards the end we were huddling under an umbrella in the rain!  The barbecue seemed to get a bit out of control at one point!

There were several children there, and one in particular kept dragging Suki off to play but I think she enjoyed herself nevertheless.

We were at another barbecue the next day.  Mike went over to Steve's for a handbell afternoon, and rang his first QP on 10 in hand while I went to St Nick's to church sit.  This was the final church sitting session as there will be a new regime when the work on the organ is finished and with a much diminished band of volunteers I decided not to do another rota for the time being.  I went back and collected Suki at 5 and then went over to Steve and Mary's with Suki by public transport to join them all for a barbecue in the evening.  There was a Little Mix concert on at Harlequins and we could hear the screaming all evening.

I rang a handbell peal at last with Steve and co - Rutland Major on the trebles.  A good peal and I was quite solid which was pleasing.  I also rang in 2 QP attempts at Barnes - I was booked for the one on 30th as it was London Major for Monica, which turned out to be quite a good one.  On 23rd I had gone along as a reserve and Jackie didn't turn up so I ended up ringing.  We lost it fairly comprehensively - incompetence at Julie McDonnell Triples particularly when a bob was called. I had a very expensive pan fried salmon at the Red Lion on 23rd which was delicious but hardly worth £16.  I decided to go home after the practice the following week and had a cheese sandwich with a glass of wine in front of the telly.  Much better.

Apart from the dismal weekend the weather was good - often hot and sunny - although I heard from Jayne that it had poured with rain for days down in Bovey.  It was particularly beautiful early one Friday morning at 7 am - marred only by drunks fighting on the path in the park, but enhanced by the sight of the baby moorhen chicks on the pond (it will be necessary to enlarge the photo below to see them!!).  I also enjoyed a long walk round Chiswick House grounds and back home after being dropped off by Mike on his way to work.

Mike, Lorraine and I met up with John at the Crem.  There was plenty of space for our flowers this time, which was surprising given that the previous week had been Father's Day.  All the flowers in the photos are ours.

We were a bit disappointed that Keith's plaque was not up yet some 3 months after placing the order - when I chased this up the next day I was told there was a backlog!  We all came back to the house afterwards for some tea and toast and then John went off with Lorraine to meet up with her friends and go to the cinema to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2, using up the cinema vouchers I get from Lloyds Bank.  I think he had quite a fun day out with them.

It was Fr Alan's first mass on Monday 26th, following his ordination the day before, and Monica made some sponge cakes for the bun-fight afterwards.  She managed to save me 8 to take away before they were all devoured!  Had one of Linda's fabulous scotch eggs too.  There was no ringing although there was a QP before the service.

We went to the first of the two Summer Sings with Goldsmiths Choral Union.  It was Dream of Gerontious and I remembered more of it than I expected.  It was very enjoyable to sing through it again - and I sang the semi-chorus bit even though it had been suggested that this should be the GCU semi-chorus.  I had paid my money to sing - not to listen!!  They are so stuck up their own backsides it always feels quite unfriendly and cliquey - but luckily I found myself sitting next to another "guest" who was easy to chat to.  I took a bottle of beer which Mike and I shared at half time, with a baguette from Pauls - so all in all a very enjoyable evening despite the pomposity.

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