July - babies etc

July started with a visit from Leanne and family.  It was lovely to see them - Mike and I were the last of the family to get to hold Aidan, and I realised I hadn't seen Ollie for ages.  We had pizza for lunch and then Mike went off to a rehearsal and Voices of London concert at St Sephs, and we went for a walk in the park.  They got the bus back direct from the park and I had a nice quiet evening in reclining in my new chair and cross stitching while watching TV.

Amanda posted some photos including some of Bethany's graduation (she starts big school in September) and Harrison's first birthday.  I was amazed at how Harrison has grown - he's nearly walking!

The weather was boiling hot all week - and Suki was ill for several days.  I don't know if it was just the heat or something else.  She was sick and had diarrhoea for several days - which had me a little paranoid as it would have been heartbreaking if she had messed on the new carpet in Devon but luckily we were in London so it didn't matter. It was too hot to take her out at the normal times, and she was very reluctant to go for a walk anyway.  She eventually seemed to be a bit perkier on Friday evening so we went to Acton park - and she jumped all over a large alsatian who eventually turned on her and bit a piece out of her ear!  So she has really been in the wars.

I went to 4 fitness classes in the first week, and two before we went away on the Barnes trip.  I found Zumba gold had even more hand-holding and congas than before, so when Linda suggested I should go to her aerobics class at 9.30 on Thursdays I decided to take her up on it and will be trying that instead in future.

I also spent a lot of time watching tennis - Wimbledon fortnight started on 3rd.  I tried to spend the time also doing something else as I always feel a little uncomfortable just sitting and watching TV in the daytime.  So I downloaded all the back issues of the Ringing World for Mike.  He used them quite quickly too - being able to search for any containing Dennis Brock's name.  This was to inform an item being written following their QP to mark 50 years since Dennis was taken prisoner by the Germans.  It was the featured performance for quite some time on Bell Board.  It was good to know my efforts had been worthwhile (and of course I am hoping to be able to throw the paper copies away!).

Went to the second summer sings  with Goldsmiths - Mozart's Mass in C Minor.  We were a bit late as it had taken 45 mins to get to Shepherd's Bush, but we managed to get in just as they were starting.  I didn't recognise much of it but still enjoyed singing it with others around me who knew what they were doing.  I took beer again but forgot the bottle opener so we shared a glass of white wine at the interval.  We got a kebab on the way home and were still able to get the 272 bus.

Finally got the council tax refund due to Uncle Keith and was able to finalise the estate and send out the pro rata offers.  Should be able to wrap everything up soon once the offers have been accepted. Also heard that his plaque is now up in the Recordia Room.

Went to Chiswick Choir concert - spirituals!  I enjoyed it more than I expected.  We rang the bells beforehand.  Went to Fat Boys Thai Restaurant afterwards - and found it was now Fit Boys Lebanese Restaurant.  The food was quite nice but the waitress was hopeless and there were several mistakes in the order.  There were also several items from the menu unavailable, and we were even told the coffee had finished at the end!  Unsurprisingly it was somewhat empty and I doubt they will survive very long without improving their act a lot.

I helped Rachel trim our hedges - she did the trimming and I did the clearing up (helped by Naomi!) and held the ladder.

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