
Went walking with Maryanne, Madeleine and Kath on 5th Feb. Maryanne and I drove to Madeleine's house and then she drove us to the start at Crazies Hill where we met up with Kath.  It was a dull day but not too cold and stayed dry so quite nice for walking.  There were some interesting animals on the route - a field of alpacas (very cute), herds of white deer (somewhat surreal) and the most beautiful thoroughbred foals - each horse and foal had its name and immediate lineage on their head collars! Finished with a nice steak baguette - the pub was very dog friendly.

6.5 miles, 3.26 hours, 448 ft of ascent Route Card

It was the Barnes AGM and dinner on 9 Feb. Mike was out at the District Meeting in the morning and then ringing a QP at Twickenham before ringing in the QP at Barnes at 3 pm.  I thought it would be nice to walk over to Barnes from home to collect the car and then take Suki home and have a shower before the meeting.  I didn't leave early enough - Suki was very slow and when I let her off the lead after Hammersmith Bridge she lagged way behind the whole way.  I was somewhat stressed about the time which spoilt my enjoyment of the walk.  I didn't get to the car until 3 pm - Suki was so relieved to see it and jump in! If I had left earlier I could have ambled more and enjoyed it more.  It was good for the step total though.

4.1 miles - 1:33 hrs - 34 ft of ascent!
Luckily the traffic wasn't too bad, so there was just enough time to have a shower and feed Suki when I got back before rushing off to the meeting.  I got there in time for a cup of tea and some chocolate cake first! I took the minutes and then drove back home at 6 pm for a half hour with Suki before going back for the dinner.  The others went off to ring and have drinks and nibbles at the Church.  I was able to tidy up the minutes and get them off to Trisha before going out again.  I arrived at Grande Maison at the official time of 7.30 - and was the first!  The others didn't amble in until 15 minutes later. It was a very nice evening - the attendees were all proper Barnes ringers and it was very convivial.  The food was excellent - Mike and I shared a starter (Calamari) and a dessert (Creme Brulee) and I had salmon while he had duck for main course.  I stuck with water to drink as I was doing the driving.  It was a reasonable early finish too and we were in bed by 10.30 pm.

Handbells - Rang a very nice peal of Yorkshire Major at Steve's - we had been intending to ring Royal but Peter pulled out with a cold.  It was nice to score a good one. Trudged all the way in to Guy's on my Feb slot only for Ian to forget to bring the bells.  So trudged all the way back again - I didn't fancy going for a drink as I was having a "dry" day and I was glad I went back as Suki was barking when I got home so I was able to stop her annoying the neighbours too much. Another go at the Yorkshire with the Southwark band failed, but we rang a long QP (actually a third of a peal).  Steve was calling a different composition and ringing 5-6 so it was good practice. Got the QP of 16 Plain Major at the second attempt with the Devon band, and got a QP of Cassiobury after failing to get the peal again.  We have decided to go for Cornwall next time!

Devon - went for 8 days this month and got two Thursday evenings in with the Moreton ringers.  I finished the Winter Wolf - the end result was worth all the blood sweat and tears that went into it!

I then made a start on the Bayeux Tapestry one, which had lain neglected for a few years.  I took it off the frame as I have found this is the most comfortable way for me to stitch these days.

I went for lots of lovely walks - the weather was beautiful and I got up on the moor several times. I managed to get the little parking slot at the end of the tramway one morning, and did a good circuit by following the tramway to the end and then walking up over Hay Tor - about 2.5 miles

Emma came over for a few hours with Elora and Neville (who promptly cocked his leg on the footstool in the lounge!).  We had a lovely long natter and catch up - Elora was delightful.

Lee came in later for a cup of tea before they went home.

And I rang a lot of handbells with Tim, in addition to the two QPs above there was a failed attempt plus a two hour session with some learners.

Just as I was about to leave for London found boiler had been leaking and carpet in the cupboard was soaking.  Had to turn it all off and leave a key for plumber to come the following week to fix.  He phoned later to say he couldn't find the leak and had put some tape round the joint and charged me £40!  That's the last straw - I shall find another plumber now. It was only 4 weeks since he serviced the boiler.  The fact that he didn't replace the 59p joint is really irritating. I have stuck with him because I was impressed that he came out at 7 pm around Christmas the first time I called him - but he has been pretty useless since then and uses cheapskate materials from Trago.  The thermostat he fitted doesn't work properly, but he doesn't know what's wrong with it.  Twice now the heating has been raging away when I have arrived from London even though the thermostat is set at 10 degrees.  I've had enough!!

At the end of the month I met Muffie for coffee (and cake) at Osterley Park - another blisteringly hot sunny day.  We had a nice walk first and a mooch round the shop afterwards.  The following day I went up to town and met Gill How for coffee (and cake) in the cafe in  John Lewis, Oxford Street.  I went all the way by 94 bus, and had the front seat on the upper deck on the way in which was great.

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