Roving Ringers Reunion No 72

Group photo outside the final tower of the weekend - Stepney
February 24th/25th.
Dinner at the Double Tree Hilton in Greenwich

Peter decided at the last minute to come and stay with us on the Friday night - and joined us in the Red Lion after the Barnes practice.

The next morning Mike and Peter went off to do the first day of ringing - I stayed home!  I took Suki to Linda's about 3 pm and then went by public transport (tube then DLR) to the hotel, arriving just in time to watch the rugby (Wales v England) - they were just singing the national anthems when I tuned in.  Mike turned up about 5.15 and went off to the meeting but I carried on watching the rugby.  Then we got changed and went to the bar, where I had a nice G&T, and then to the dinner.  The food was very good and I felt very comfortable and sociable - I knew just about everyone in the room and had toured with most of them.  I was involved in the handbell ringing between main course and dessert.

A snippet of three leads of Kent TB Royal rung in memory of Frank Matthews who toured with the Society of Roving Ringers 1949 and 1951 (during the 72nd Reunion Dinner)

Without a meeting after the dinner everyone seemed more inclined to mingle and chat and I was surprised to find I was still doing this at 11.30 pm! At which point I went to bed.

Breakfast was very good - a vast array of things to choose from.  Nice porridge too. A group of us went by bus to Rotherhithe to ring for service - and yes I actually rang!  Then on to Southwark Cathedral - where I went up to the ringing room but decided not to ring.  We had coffee and cake in the refectory before heading off to Cornhill - where I rang again!  I hadn't rung on the new installation and I found them much easier than before.  Mike had to ring from a box which was a bit scary (for me - not him!).  Just round the corner was the Wetherspoons pub for lunch - where Mike and I shared some nachos - and then I left them to it and went off to collect Suki and then walk home with her.

The weather was wonderful the whole weekend - hot and sunny.  I always feel a little sad now when Reunion comes round because it reminds me of when Keith died, and the fact that I didn't get to see him because I thought I would be able to see him on the Monday when I got back.

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