End of May - Mike breaks his leg!

Jayne and I went for an early walk in Parke - but skipped having a coffee at the cafe afterwards because it was full of runners and only minimal staff. Jayne walked back and I set off from there back to London. I had a reasonable journey and although the traffic was heavy I didn't get held up at all until I reached the A312 about 5 miles from home! The traffic southbound was horrendous - stationary from Bath to Taunton - and sluggish thereafter. Bank holiday weekend and the start of half term! The garden looked amazing - particularly the roses and the newer clematis. I mowed the lawn and then put the new narrow drawers together and placed them in situ, hoovering the site first. I then felt slightly dizzy and decided to have a sit down and something to eat. I was just having a coffee afterwards when Mike turned up. He was somewhat miserable (which is unusual for him after Intrepid as it usually bucks him up) and started banging around making...