May - Project Week

I designated the first week in May to be a "Project Week" to try and finish, or at least significantly progress, a number of projects which I have on the go.  My normal daily routine leaves little significant chunks of time to get on with these and I end up not doing anything on them because it is not worth starting.  So I decided to set the whole week aside at the beginning of May, with no gym classes and nothing in the evenings, and with the weather forecast being cold wet and miserable!

I made a list with 21 projects on it!  And I got stuck in!  By the end of the week I was really pleased with the progress I had made and the fact that some projects had actually been completed.  I don't think I could have achieved this without the dedicated effort of setting time aside like that.

The biggest one to complete was to have worked through a whole filing drawer and sorted out what need to be kept (a couple of thin folders were all that was left) and scanning in anything of interest. I filled the recycling wheelie bin with paper and shredding. It was a great feeling when I had finished, and made the next stage (moving downstairs filing upstairs and filing music in the downstairs filing cabinet) possible.

I fulfilled a long held ambition to try the frozen meals from Cook - and they were delicious.

I completed the review of the converted ringing records for WinRk and started using Version 3 in earnest, bringing all our records up to date.  There were still some issues to sort out with Stephen Cheek, the developer, but these are gradually being resolved with new versions of WinRk Plus which he puts out after I have highlighted the problems!

I reviewed and re-catalogued the contents of both freezers, and was able to defrost the kitchen freezer as we had made good progress on eating up the stuff in them over the last few months.  I was determined not to order anything more until we had done so.

I moved the Barnes Bellringers archive over from my own hosting site to a Google site.

Mike went to Milan for a couple of days for work - I dropped him off early in the morning at Acton Town and went on to Gunnersbury to take Suki for a walk. It was lovely at that time of the morning - we were the only ones there to begin with although it soon began to fill up.

He also went out ringing all day on bank holiday Saturday and to the Middx handbell morning on bank holiday Monday so I had plenty of time to myself to crack on with my projects.  We went for a nice walk in Richmond Park on the bank holiday Monday.

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