End of May - Mike breaks his leg!

Jayne and I went for an early walk in Parke - but skipped having a coffee at the cafe afterwards because it was full of runners and only minimal staff.  Jayne walked back and I set off from there back to London.  I had a reasonable journey and although the traffic was heavy I didn't get held up at all until I reached the A312 about 5 miles from home!  The traffic southbound was horrendous - stationary from Bath to Taunton - and sluggish thereafter.  Bank holiday weekend and the start of half term!

The garden looked amazing - particularly the roses and the newer clematis.

I mowed the lawn and then put the new narrow drawers together and placed them in situ, hoovering the site first.

I then felt slightly dizzy and decided to have a sit down and something to eat.  I was just having a coffee afterwards when Mike turned up.  He was somewhat miserable (which is unusual for him after Intrepid as it usually bucks him up) and started banging around making a cup of tea - and then poured boiling water on his leg!  He had a very swollen and bruised leg - he didn't know why although he did mention that Malcolm had dropped him on the floor several times. As it was bank holiday he didn't go to A&E until the Tuesday, where he was diagnosed with an infected burn.  They ignored the fact that he thought it might be broken.  For two weeks he had his dressings changed by the practice nurse who consistently dismissed his enquiries as to whether it might be broken.  However the swelling started to go down and it was clear then that there was something sticking out - plus he could rotate his lower leg without moving the knee.  So back we went to A&E and this time they x-rayed it and discovered he had broken his fibula and tibia just below the knee.  He was given a back slab plaster for a week and then it was put in a cast for three weeks.  Luckily the cast was removed and replaced with a brace two days before we were due to fly to Leipzig.  Mike fashioned himself a leg support from a plank and I helped him attach a couple of angle brackets to keep the leg in place.

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