Friday 7th March

Went up on the moor again in the morning – it was a glorious day with lots of sunshine and blue sky peeping through the clouds.  Went to far car park and walked up Saddle Tor then across to the quarry on the left of hay tor then down to the bottom tramway – then up to the ridge and along to the small car park, then back to the proper quarry where suki played her favourite lose the ball in the water game for a while, then back over Hay Tor to the car.  I was out for nearly 3 hours- it was wonderful. Practiced some Woodstock until I remembered it was Yorkshire with a 1-8 lead end!  Lee and Emma turned up about 6 and we had some soup and bread I had got out of the freezer.  Then took the dogs out and went to the Cromwell for a drink.  Walked back and watched some tv then went to bed about 10.30.

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