Sunday 2nd March

I slept really badly and woke up feeling muggy and ill.  Could hardly function in the morning and did the usual round of church, breakfast and ringing in a haze.  Had a chocolate croissant in the hope of it perking me up (well that was my excuse).  Went home to get Suki and then drove to Petersfield for lunch with Gill and Martin.  Simon was in good form and gave me a hug to thank me for the birthday money.  After a nice lunch we played monopoly along house rules, as it was raining too hard to go out.  After an hour or so I needed to take Suki out, and my strategy of trying to go bankrupt had not worked, so I gave all my property to Simon to battle it out with Mike (who was easily winning at that time) to the end.  I did have Mayfair and Park Lane with houses on but not much else.  Gill and MikeH came with me for a walk round the lake, while Martin stayed as banker – or more like referee by that time.  When we got back Simon had won.  We had a cup of tea and some cake and then drove home, which meant we were home nice and early and could relax in front of the tv and still have an early night.

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